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View Media Coverage of The Repose of Metropolitan Nicholas
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Reflections on the Falling Asleep In The Lord of Protodeacon John Youhas
DIOCESAN CHANCERY -- Protodeacon John Youhas returned home to the Lord and entered into eternal rest with his family at his side early Friday morning, July 20, 2012, after a year long battle with cancer. Born May 17, 1950, in Central City, PA, the son of John and Kathryn (Pribish) Youhas, he was a lifelong member of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, Ambridge, PA. Preceding him in death were his grandparents, Andrew (Katren) Pribish, and Michael (Mary) Youhas; and many aunts and uncles. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his sister, Bonita (Ronald) Raible of Callawassie Island-Okatie, SC; niece, Tamara (Danny) Wilson of Boynton Beach, FL; along with several uncles, aunts and cousins.
Archimandrite Grigorios (Tatsis) Is Nominated By Diocesan Priests As Successor To Metropolitan Nicholas
JOHNSTOWN, PA [Christ The Saviour Cathedral] -- Meeting in Special Assembly today which was presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Diocesan Locum Tenens, the priests of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA nominated the Very Rev. Archimandrite Grigorios (Tatsis) as successor to His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas of Amissos.
Diocesan Chancery Announces the Calling of A Special Assembly of Priests
JOHNSTOWN, PA --- With thankfulness to Almighty God, the Diocesan Chancery has announced that a Special Assembly of Diocesan Priests will be convened on Saturday July 14, 2012 in Christ the Saviour Cathedral by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Diocesan Locum Tenens for the purpose of nominating a candidate for ruling Bishop of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the U.S.A.
Cemetery Memorial Honoring Metropolitan Nicholas Is Blessed
PERTH AMBOY, NJ -- On Sunday May 26, 2012, the newly installed cemetery memorial, honoring His Eminence, Metropolitan +NIcholas was blessed by Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco at St. John' s Parish Cemetery in Perth Amboy, NJ.
Video of Parastas On The One Year Anniversary of The Repose of +Metropolitan Nicholas Posted
PERTH AMBOY, NJ -- A video of Sunday's Memorial Service on the One Year Anniversary of the Repose of His Eminence, +Metropolitan Nicholas, presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America at St John the Baptist Orthodox Church has now been posted.
Archbishop Demetrios Leads Memorial Service Marking the First Anniversary of the Repose of Metropolitan Nicholas
PERTH AMBOY, NJ, On Sunday March 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm, the faithful of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, were honored with a visitation by His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Locum Tenens of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA to remember the one year anniversary of the Repose of His Eminence, +Metropolitan Nicholas. Archbishop Demetrios was joined by His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, and a large number of Diocesan Priests, deacons and faithful of the diocesan parishes of the Eastern Seaboard region.
Archbishop Demetrios To Lead Parastas Service For +Metropolitan Nicholas
PERTH AMBOY, NJ -- His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, who has lovingly cared for our diocese as Locum Tenens during this past year, along with Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., will lead the Parastas Service at St. John the Baptist Church in Perth Amboy, NJ tomorrow, Sunday March 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm.
Observing the First Anniversary of the Repose of +Metropolitan Nicholas
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- It does not seem possible that one year has passed since the Repose in the Lord of our God Loving +Metropolitan Nicholas of Thrice-Blessed Memory. There is not a one of us, who does not recall where we were or what we were doing when we learned that His Eminence Fell-Asleep-In-The Lord at 3:00 pm on Sunday March 13, 2011.
One Year Anniversary Memorial Service For Metropolitan Nicholas to Be Live Broadcasted
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The Diocesan Chancery has announced that the one year Memorial (Parastas) service for +His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, which is scheduled to take place at 5:00 pm on Tuesday March 13, 2012 at Christ the Saviour Cathedral, will be live-streamed on the diocesan website.
Diocese To Mark the One Year Anniversary of Repose of +Metropolitan Nicholas
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The Diocesan Chancery has announced that special memorial services will take place at Christ the Saviour Cathedral and St. John the Baptist Parish in Perth Amboy New Jersey to mark the one year anniversary of the repose of +His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, who Fell-Asleep-In-The-Lord on March 13, 2011.
Showing 1 - 10 of 183 Articles | Page 1 of 19
Diocesan Tribute on the 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Consecration of Metropolitan Nicholas
Remarks of His Eminence
at His 75th Birthday Party
Toast Offered At Met.Nicholas'
75th Birthday Party
Zaspivijme - Songs and
Hymns Sung By
Metropolitan Nicholas
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and Other Multi-MediaPhoto Galleries Of
The Life , Pastoral
Ministry and Travels
Of Metropolitan Nicholas