Condolences From:
The Council of Bishops of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
Dearly beloved clergy and faithful of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA,
“With the Saints give rest, O Lord…to the soul of Your servant”…Metropolitan Nicholas, Ruling Hierarch of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese – our brother by blood and faith – who served the flock entrusted to his spiritual care with a depth of love and commitment that are seldom witnessed in any aspect of life, in any place in the world today. We mourn the loss of his compassion, his uncommon brotherly support, his sense of humor, his love of the human voice and the heights it can reach as an “instrument” in our worship of the Lord. We will miss the off the cuff remarks during intense situations, which immediately reduced that intensity, yet made points for those who heard to contemplate. We will long for the stark honesty and openness of his expressed opinions.
To Metropolitan Nicholas’ brothers and family members, to the Members of the Diocesan Administration and to all the clergy and faithful of the Carpatho-Russian Church we express, in behalf of all the clergy and faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, our heartfelt sympathy and love. We embrace you in Christ’s Love. Your Spiritual Father has served you long and well and your grief will most certainly exceed that of all others. You are the seal of the episcopal service of your Spiritual Father. The manner in which you remember him and serve our Lord, following the example that he set for you will be a living testament to his service and thus, his love and teaching will flow through generations to come.
Our brother in service to our Lord, Nicholas, has fought the good fight and he advances into eternity, awaiting the Great and Final Judgment. May his soul rest in eternal happiness and may his memory be eternal in God’s Heavenly Kingdom. May he hear the words we all long to hear from our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ: “Well done good and faithful servant. Come my beloved…enter into the joy of your Master…into the place that has been prepared for you since the foundation of the world.” Vichna Yemu Pamyat!
+ Constantine, Metropolitan
+ Antony, Archbishop
+ Daniel, Bishop