Condolences From:
The Council of Bishops of the
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada
Glory to Jesus Christ!
To our brethren in the Lord: Venerable Clergy, Devout Monastics and Christ loving Faithful of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA.
"Verily, verily I say unto you, he that hearth My Word and believeth in Him that sent Me,hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." (John 5:24)
It is with great sadness that we receive the news of our brother in Christ's falling asleep on this day of March 13th, 2011. Along with ourselves, the clergy and devout laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, join in expressing our most profound condolences to the clergy and faithful of the diocese and implore Christ our true God, risen from the dead, Who rules over the living and the dead,
to rest the soul of His good, just and faithful servant, Metropolitan Nicholas (of thrice blessed memory), in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to appoint him his place among the righteous at the altar of the Triumphant Church of the Heavenly Kingdom.
We assure you of our prayers for the blessed repose and eternal memory of the devout servant of God, His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas throughout this forty-day period of reflection. May the Grace of our Loving God comfort all the members of his family and the spiritual children of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA.
Vichnaya Pamyat! Vichnaya Pamyat! Vichnaya Pamyat!
By the Grace of God, Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.
+Yurij, Metropolitan
+ Ilarion, Bishop
+Andriy, Bishop