Condolences From:
The Roman Catholic Diocese
of Altoona-Johnstown
In the name of the clergy and faithful of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, I extend our condolences to our brothers and sisters (clergy and faithful) of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese at the passing of their shepherd, His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas. While we rejoice over the welcome that he must have received in the heavenly realms, we are saddened at the void that he leaves among us.
That void is especially felt in the City of Johnstown, where he was respected by all, including our Roman Catholic clergy and faithful. His gentle kindness to those beyond his own flock will not be forgotten any time soon.
The void is being felt in a particular way by those of us involved in improving ecumenical relationships among various traditions of the Christian Church. His Eminence was very much in support of those efforts. Even in the latter days of his illness, he insisted on attending the two ecumenical services that he, Bishop Gregory Pile, and I sponsored on an annual basis. As His Eminence verbalized it to me: Ours is a search for the unity that exists in the Church, which Christ intended to be one.
To me, he was a brother. He did not neglect to include me at important functions. And, I did not neglect to include him in ours. He leaves a void in my life, as well.
His memory shall long remain with us, - as a man of deep faith and a bishop who took the Lord's call to shepherd his people seriously. May the Lord have welcomed him home as the good and faithful servant that he, indeed, has been.
+ Bishop Joseph
Apostolic Administrator
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown