Condolences From:
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta
To the Rev. Fr. Frank P. Miloro, Chancellor, Reverend Clergy and the Faithful of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Archdiocese of the U.S.A.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,"
With the spirits of the righteous made perfect,
give rest to the soul of Your servant,O Savior,
and preserve it in that life of blessedness which is with You,
O You Who loves mankind."
(Troparion for the Departed)
I greet you with love in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ., but with a heavy heart. I was so saddened to learn aboutthe passing away of my dear friend and brother in Christ, His EminenceMetropolitan Nicholas, and wanted to extend my deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to you on his falling asleep in the Lord.
We honor his memory, as he faithfully served our Lord and His Holy Orthodox Church with unwavering commitment and Christ's love in his heart. Truly your beloved spiritual father has left behind a wonderful legacy in the memories and the hearts of everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.
While I am unable to be present to personally to grieve with you, all of you remain in my thoughts and prayers, and you have my profound and deepest sympathy along with my most heartfelt prayers for therepose of His Eminence's soul among the just. May the Lord our God Who in His, "inexpressible wisdom created manout of the earth, giving him form and adorning him with beauty," assign the soul of His departed servant, Nicholas, "to the company of the righteous," letting him be forgiven, both, "in the present age and in the age to come."
In the midst of our sorrow, we must try to remember,that though his life on this earth has ended, we know that life does not end with death but begins new with eternity, because our Lord promised us, "..."I am the Resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me...shall never die."
(John 11: 25-26)
May his memory be eternal!
Entreating our Lord's blessings of comfort and peace upon you always, I remain,
Prayerfully yours with love in Christ,
Metropolitan of Atlanta