Condolences From:
The Byzantine Catholic
Archeparchy of Pittsburgh
Very Reverend and dear Protopresbyter Miloro,Clergy, Monastics and Faithful:
On behalf of the clergy, monastics, and faithful of the Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh,I extend to each of you our deepest sympathy and heartfelt prayers for the falling asleep in the Lord of your beloved Metropolitan Nicholas. We too are greatly saddened to learn of yourloss which is a loss to all who knew him as well.
The reunion of your diocese and ourarcheparchy was his hope, dream and prayer. He spoke of this often. We are ever grateful for the mutual respectand fellowship that he enjoyed with our departed +Archbishop Basil, our clergy,seminarians and faithful. He wrote that the times in working closely with our late Archbishop in ecumenical efforts were without animosity and discord. He viewed them as examples to clergy and faithful alike and as models of Christian brotherhood.
Our prayers are joined with yours inthanking God for the blessed life of Metropolitan Nicholas, for his love and dedication as your shepherd, and for all that he accomplished as priest and bishop. May our Lord now reward his good and faithfulservant with every joy and happiness of his new eternal life,and may each of you be consoled with the peace that only Christ can give.
With my personal best wishes, I remain
The Very Reverend
Eugene P. Yackanich
Administrator of Pittsburgh