Stewardship Campaign


Dear ACRY Members, Spiritual Advisors, Chapter Presidents and Members of our God-saved Diocese,

Glory be to Jesus Christ! 

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”  2 Corinthians 9:7

As we are approaching the Advent Season, the National ACRY is running its annual Stewardship Campaign.  This is the fifth year for the campaign. It is incredible that we have reached this milestone, and with all of your help it will be just as successful as the previous years.

For those of you who are not familiar with the Stewardship Campaign, during the 2018 National ACRY Convention, it was decided that we would be replacing the individual chapter donations for the scholarship, publication, campership, etc. funds with one large fund drive campaign to take place during the Advent season.  Funds raised during this campaign will assist the ACRY in its philanthropic endeavors: providing scholarships for the young adults of our Diocese, hosting Lenten retreats, supporting Camp Nazareth, promotion of the Orthodox faith through missionary projects, aiding children with serious illness and special needs, and much more. It was decided by the National ACRY board, after reviewing a potential budget for the 2023-2024, that our goal for this year would be $10,000.

In addition to this webpage, we have an active account on Facebook under the group name “ACRY – American Carpatho-Russian Youth”.  If you have not yet become a member of this group, please do so now.  We hope that as chapters and churches fund raise for this year’s Campaign, that they will share photos in our Facebook group.

Click here for the ACRY Facebook Group

We hope that this year’s campaign will not only be successful, but will continue to help chapters in continued good works of the church.  We aim for this campaign to be the light that shines and shows the good things we can accomplish when we work together.  The National ACRY is truly the philanthropic arm of our Diocese. Let us follow the words of St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians, and give cheerfully!

For more information, please contact Joe Samilenko National ACRY Vice President at

Yours in Christ,

Josef  Samilenko National Vice President 
& National ACRY Stewardship Campaign Committee

How Your Chapter/ Parish Can Help

Here are some ideas on fundraisers and events to help individual chapters raise money for this campaign:

• Christmas cookie or candy sale
• Special collecting during Divine Liturgy
• Hosting coffee social
• Work with employers to match chapter contributions
• Basket raffle, Chinese Auction, or 50/50
• Host a spaghetti dinner, breakfast, etc.
• Like and follow the campaign on the ACRY Facebook Page



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2023-2024  Stewardship Campaign

fundraising thermometer

Making A Donation 

Individual and chapter donations for the Stewardship Campaign should be sent to:

Danielle Bartko
National ACRY Financial Secretary
600  Fourth Avenue
Bridgeville, PA  15017


Checks should be made payable to National ACRY with Stewardship Campaign in the memo line.

Donations should be postmarked by February 15th.

How Your Contributions Will Benefit Those in Need 

• Scholarships
• Camp Nazareth
• Ambassador Fund
• Lenten Retreats
• Youth Conferences

Marketing Materials For Chapters and Parishes. 

Campaign Poster Full Color (jpg)
Campaign Poster - Full Color(pdf)
Campaign Poster Half Color(pdf)
Campaign Poster B/W(pdf)


Please contact Joe Samilenko, National ACRY Vice President at  with any questions regarding the National ACRY Stewardship Campaign.