Church Architecture and Iconography

During these same days, God gave Moses commandments concerning the building of the tabernacle: of what it should be made, and how; and the vessels they should make for the sanctuary, and the commandments concerning the holy oil, the incense, and the priestly sacrifice. By saying to him: "You shall make everything according to the model of the tabernacle that I will show you," he first called it a model and a temporal tabernacle, to indicate that it was transitory and that it would be replaced by the church, the perfect prototype which lasts forever, and so that they would esteem it because of the likeness to the heavenly tabernacle. St. Ephrem the Syrian, Commentary on Exodus.

Links From  Orthodox Sources

The Church Building and Its Arrangement - Archpriest Seraphim Slobodoskoy 

Orthodox Faith; Church Architecture St Barbara's Greek Orthodox Church, Orange, CT

Some Principles of Orthodox Church Architecture  - Aidan Hart 

Wooden Orthodox Church Architecture of the Lemko People in Poland, Slovakia and Carpathian Rus' 

Art and Architecture - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

What Orthodox Iconography Is - Photios Kontoglu

An Explanation of the Major Festal Icons - from

Orthodox Church Architecture Photogallery From Around the World - Franz Bauer