News & Events - 2020

Showing 1 - 20 of 58 Articles | Page 1 of 3

Academic Year Commences at Christ the Saviour Seminary

Monday, September 13, 2021

JOHNSTOWN, PA --[Christ The Saviour Seminary] - The seminarians at Christ the Saviour Seminary gathered for the first day of the Fall 2021 Semester for a day-long retreat provided by Father Miles Zdinak, Spiritual Director.  

This year's students include Aydin Zill, Dylan Kelemecz, Tom Kovalak and Nicholas Worobey. 

Eternal Memory: +Deacon Stephen Hall

Monday, June 14, 2021

JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- With profound sadness the Diocesan Chancery announces that +Deacon Stephen Hall reposed in the Lord on The Feast of Ascension, June 10, 2021. 

Born on August 9, 1942 in Brunswick, Maine, Deacon Stephen was the son of the late Thurland C. Hall and the late Norma E. Hall. He earned his Master’s Degree and worked as a computer software engineer for many years before retiring. He also served in the United States Air Force and was a member of the Boy Scouts of America, earning recognition as a Silver Beaver. Stephen was a friend to all who crossed his path.

Stephen is survived by his loving wife, Nancy J. Hall (Koval); son, Michael P. Hall (Cindy L.); grandson, Michael C. Hall; sister, Ellen Hall Campbell.
Deacon Stephen was preceded in death by father, Thurland C. Hall; mother, Norma E. Hall; brother, Phil Hall.

Patriarchal Proclamation For Christmas 2020

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Most venerable brothers in Christ and beloved children,

As we journey with the All-Holy Virgin, who comes “to give birth ineffably” to the pre-eternal Word, and as we gaze upon Bethlehem, which prepares itself to receive the holy infant, behold we have once more reached Christmas filled with sentiments of gratitude to the God of love. The journey to this great feast of the nativity in the flesh of the world’s Savior was different this year with regard to the outward conditions, resulting from the current pandemic. Our church life and the participation of our faithful in the sacred services, as well as the church’s pastoral care and good witness in the world were all affected by the repercussions of the related health restrictions. However, all this does not affect the innermost relationship of the faithful with Christ or of our faith in His providence and our devotion to “the one thing that is necessary.”[1]

Eternal Memory: +Very Rev. Fr. John Baranik (Updated)

Monday, December 21, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- With profound sadness the Diocesan Chancery announces that +Rev. Fr. John Baranik reposed in the Lord on December 20, 2020. 

Fr. John, son of the late John and Irma (Lux) Baranik, was born on Oct.13, 1948 in Windber, PA. He graduated from Christ the Saviour Seminary in 1971 and was joined in Holy Matrimony to his faithful helpmate, Betty Jean Koslin.He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 30, 1971 at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown.

Fr. John, who was known as a dedicated and caring priest, served parishes in Buffalo, NY (St Mary Church), Phoenixville, PA (Holy Ghost Church), Jenners, PA (St Mary Church) and Homer City, PA (Sts. Peter and Paul Church). In his retirement, he assisted at Christ the Saviour Cathedral as he was able, especially with offering the Holy Mystery of Confession and spiritual direction.

Fr. John is survived by his wife of 49 1/2 years Pani Betty Jean and daughter Nikola Jean

Diocese To Offer 2 New Youth Ministry Programs!

Friday, December 11, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- Our Diocese is pleased and excited to offer 2 NEW Youth Ministry Programs at the beginning of 2021!! The first are called “Homerooms”. The second are Monthly Check-ins. You can read more about them in the letter below. Both new programs are meant to continue fostering our children’s relationship with Christ, with our Diocese and with one another. These new programs stem from The Vine and the Branches online Diocesan Youth Events (which will be continued in 2021 starting in March) and are for Youth ages 5-18 (Kindergarten through 12th Grade).

Diocesan Day of Prayer - Thursday Dec 10, 2020

Saturday, December 05, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- With the blessing of Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa, the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese will be hosting a Diocesan Day of Prayer on Thursday December 10. This will consist of Molebens for the Nativity Fast being offered continuously each half-hour from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. in 24 Diocesan Parishes with special intentions to comfort and strengthen the world spiritually and physically in this time of the Pandemic. These will be able to participated in virtually at or here on the Diocesan website,

Eternal Memory: + Mary Ann Maydak

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- With profound sadness the Diocesan Chancery announces that  Mary Ann Maydak,  the mother of Pani  Sharon Holowaty, reposed in the Lord on Saturday, November 28, 2020 at the age of 80.   

Mary Ann,  the daughter of the late John and Mary Ann Jovan (Bolha) was born on October 1, 1940 in Johnstown, PA. She was preceded in death by her late husband, Andrew Maydak and her brother, John and sisters, Gloria and Shirley Jovan. Survived by her daughters Sharon (Maydak) Holowaty married to Rev. Fr.Lev Holowaty and grandson Andrew Jordan (AJ) living in Schererville, IN

Metropolitan Gregory Celebrates Eighth Anniversary of Consecration As Bishop

Friday, November 27, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- With gratitude to Almighty God, the clergy and the faithful of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese extend their heartfelt congratulations and best wishes, today - November 27, 2020 to His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa on the eighth anniversary of his Consecration and Enthronement as Ruling Diocesan Bishop. Today is also His Eminence's Name's Day, St Gregory Palamas, as celebrated on the Julian Calendar.

Thanksgiving Greetings

Thursday, November 26, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- It is proper and just to sing to You, to bless You, to praise You, to thank You, to worship You in every place of Your kingdom, for You are God, ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever existing yet ever the same, You and Your only-begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit. You brought us out of non-existence into being and, when we had fallen, You raised us up again, and left nothing undone to lead us to heaven and to bestow upon us Your future kingdom. For all this we give thanks to You and to Your only-begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit, for all that we know and do not know

Diocesan Parenting Workshop Series

Monday, November 02, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- Our Diocese is pleased to announce its next Parenting Workshop in its Series of Parenting Workshops entitled “Raising Believing Children”.  The next Workshop will be hosted online on Saturday, December 5th from 10am-12:30pm and will feature presentations by His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory and Fr. Stephen Loposky.  The schedule will also include time for small group discussions and Questions and Answer sessions.  Our Diocese has sponsored several of these Workshops around the Diocese and each has been a great experience for our parents.  Several Workshops had been scheduled around the Diocese for Fall 2020, but were postponed because of our current circumstances.  This Parenting Workshop will bring together faithful from around the entire Diocese. 

2020 Diocesan Virtual Pani Retreat

Sunday, November 01, 2020

The 2020 CN Summer Experience

Monday, September 21, 2020

You would think that there wasn’t much to do for Camp this past summer. You would think that a 2-week online program wouldn’t require much effort. You would think that bringing kids together in the virtual world is as easy as clicking “the mouse” a couple time. That’s what you would think. You would be VERY wrong!

I am not really sure how to describe what we came to call the 2020 CN Summer Camp Experience, which was the online program the Camp offered our Diocesan children, not as a replacement for being together AT Camp, but as something that would give them what they always need…Christ Himself. It will sound terribly grandiose to you, but I would describe the 2020 CN Summer Camp Experience as a journey; a journey whose purpose was hidden from us until the journey was completely finished.

Diocesan Wide Youth Event To Take Place Sept 27th!

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA  -- [Diocesan Chancery]  His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory has established a new Youth Ministry Event in our Diocese for youth ages 5-18.  It is entitled "The Vine and the Branches" and is designed to help our children maintain a strong connection to Christ and one another. The Vine and the Branches is an online event that will take place on Sunday, September 27, 2020 from 6:30pm - 8pm.  It is a first-of-its-kind Event in our Diocese and will bring together our Diocesan children all of whom are challenged right now to maintain a strong connection to Christ, to His Church and to one another.  Our children feel acutely the negative effects of physical distancing.  Even in the online world, through love and prayer, we can help our children overcome those effects.  

Videos of 2020 Virtual Camp Are Now Posted

Monday, August 24, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA  -- [Diocesan Chancery]  Slide shows highlighting scenes from  Weeks 1 and 2 of the 2020 Camp Nazareth Experience  are now posted.

National ACRY Awards Announced!

Saturday, August 15, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] The National ACRY has just announced the recipients of the Annual Awards. Watch a video by National Senior ACRY President Rachel Pribish.

Archpastoral Letter From Metropolitan Gregory Regarding The Conversion of The Hagia Sophia To A Mosque

Sunday, July 19, 2020

July 19, 2020

Protocol No. 29/2020

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear Reverend Fathers and Faithful Laity of our God-Protected Diocese,

Today I write with a sense of great sadness, disgust, anger, determination, faith, and urgency.  

On July 10, 2020 Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan formally converted The Great Cathedral of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (present day Istanbul) into a mosque. Built in 537 AD during the reign of Emperor Justinian, for more than a millennium Hagia Sophia served as a place of rich spiritual and cultural inspiration for all. If you have ever been inside this World Heritage Site (I have visited it a couple of times) you know the awesomeness of this architectural wonder.   

In 1453 when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II conquered Constantinople, the Great Church of Christianity was converted into a mosque.  Later however, in 1934, it was converted into a museum by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey.  Transforming Hagia Sophia into a museum opened it up to all people of all faiths and not the property of any one religion. Over 3 million people visited each year.

Update From Metropolitan Gregory Regarding The Coronavirus or Covid-19 Pandemic

Thursday, July 16, 2020

July 16,, 2020

Protocol No. 28/2020

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear Reverend Clergy and Faithful Laity of our God-Protected Diocese,

I am writing today to update you on several items as we continue to be challenged with the effects of the Coronavirus on our Church and its activities.  Many of our people have become ill due to the virus and several (too many of course) have succumbed to it and have fallen asleep in the Lord. May their memories be eternal!  The Diocese has continued to distribute an updated list of the sick, the dead, and those who provide care such as healthcare professionals and support staff, along with first responders and so many others. Let us continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters.

We have tried diligently to follow the advice and pronouncements of local, state and federal government officials in thirteen states and a province in Canada.  It has een very challenging and difficult as we have negotiated our way through the situation, some would say “the mess”.  We reluctantly closed the doors of the Church to the public for several weeks, including Holy Week.  Eventually we opened up again with just a few parishioners attending services at first and gradually increasing the numbers as allowed. 

Eternal Memory: +Very Rev. Fr. Michael Psenechnuk

Monday, June 08, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- With profound sadness the Diocesan Chancery announces that +Very Rev. Fr. Michael Psenechnuk fell asleep in the Lord on Saturday, June 6, 2020 at Roosevelt Care Center, Edison, NJ.

Fr Michael was born on August 26, 1943 in Perth Amboy, NJ, the only child of the late John and Mary (Hayducko) Psenechnuk. He attended Perth Amboy school, graduating in 1961. He then entered Christ the Saviour Orthodox Seminary in Johnstown, PA, graduating in 1966 with a Licentiate in Theology degree. He also attended St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in NY, receiving a Divinity degree. He married the former Barbara Kralick on November 23, 1969 in her home parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Elizabeth, NJ.

Registration for the 2020 CN Summer Camp Experience Now Open!!

Saturday, May 30, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] -  Camp Nazareth will be offering our campers a 2020 Summer Camp Experience in lieu of being able to be in-person at Camp.  The Summer Camp Experience will offer each camper a personalized care package delivered to their home, the opportunity to get together online with their Camp Family and Friends, the ability to engage in “live” groups discussions and cabin time with their fellow campers, attend services, enjoy crafts and games, hear stories and sermons, watch videos, learn about our Faith, and much more. 

Just like a Summer Week AT Camp, the online 2020 CN Summer Camp Experience will have a variety of activities, will be full of surprises, and will be full of both faith in Christ and fun in Christ!  The Experience for our campers will help them remember why their connection with Christ and with each other is so important.

Register Now For 2020 Diocesan Virtual Altar Boy Retreat

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

JOHNSTOWN, PA - Plans are underway for the Annual Altar Boy Retreat which will take place from Monday evening, June 29th until Wednesday, July 1st, 2020. As we are all aware, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to the things that we are used to. The Altar Boy Retreat is one of those. The Retreat will be virtual this year, on Facebook and Zoom and perhaps other platforms. However, this is the still a time for our faithful Altar Servers to join other Altar Boys from all over our Diocese for fun and fellowship.

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