Press Releases - 2006

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Archpastoral Letter for the Nativity 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006

We greet each other today with the greatest and deepest of words: "Christ is Born!". And we respond with "Glorify Him!". It is the only possible response that wells up from the hearts of those who can hear the glory of the angels and the peace that God has given to earth. It is meet and right, today, on this bright morning, to be overwhelmed by the light of the Bethlehem Star. That light is the joy of hearing the news that should always surprise, that should always be new and unexpected. We should never grow over-familiar with the Gospel of the Nativity. It should always come as news almost too good to be true. We should always rub our eyes and wonder if it's all a dream when we hear that God has become flesh and has made His dwelling with us on the earth of His Own making.

Archpastoral Letter on the Amish Children Massacre

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Near a village in Pennsylvania called Paradise, there is now an empty parcel of land. Next spring it will be carpeted with green alfalfa as pasture for the flocks. Formerly it held a simple, white wooden schoolhouse. That parcel was the West Nickel Mines Amish Schoolhouse. On Thursday, October 12 the schoolhouse was razed. Undoubtedly you understand why this had to be. On a horrible morning on October 2, a young man crazed with anger and shame invaded a defenseless group of children and teachers. By the time the shooting and the screams were over, ten little girls had been shot. Of these, five perished, mainly because a demonized young man wanted to add homicide to his suicide.

Memory Eternal: Protopresbyter Peter Buletza

Friday, December 08, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Buletza fell asleep in the Lord on December 8, 2006. Father Buletza, age 88, lived in retirement in Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ. Father will lie-in-state in St. John's Church in Perth Amboy on Monday, December 11 where the Priest's Burial Service will be celebrated at 7 PM. Funeral Liturgy is in St. John's Church on Tuesday, December 12 at 10 AM. Clergy are to wear white vestments. Priests of the Consistory and the New Jersey Deanery will con-celebrate the Liturgy.

Fr. Trevino Leads Media Team to Constantinople

Monday, November 20, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - Fr. Nectarios Trevino, the pastor of our diocesan Nativity of Our Lord Parish in Manassas, Virgina, will represent His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas in Constantinople next week when Pope Benedict XVI meets with the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I. While in Constantinople Fr. Nectarios will lead a team of media writers who will report on this historic meeting. He will be accompanied by Pani Diane Trevino. Joshua Trevino, Father Nectarios' eldest son, assembled the joint Orthodox-Catholic team to travel to Constantinople with the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas and at the invitation of the Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Pope Benedict Visits Ecumenical Patriarchate

Thursday, November 16, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas has issued the following statement regarding the upcoming historic meeting of Pope Benedict and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Constantinople.

Binghamton Flood Appeal

Thursday, October 12, 2006

June floods in the Southern Tier region brought extensive damage to properties of hundreds and hundreds of homeowners. Losses are now estimated to exceed $250 million dollars. At least 10 families of St. Michael's Church in Binghamton have suffered different degrees of loss, varying from extensive basement flooding to total loss of homes and possessions. Under the direction of Father James Dutko and the Parish Board of Officers, immediate action was taken to support those suffering losses. Some relief has come, but more is needed.

Amish School Children Shooting

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Global news coverage of the recent, unfathomable rampage of a gunman that was dealt to Amish schoolchildren in the Lancaster County Pennsylvania town of Nickel Mines has reached everyone everywhere. Of significance to us as a Christian community is how the Amish are dealing with this horrific act of violence. Not only is their community taking care of their own and supporting the families of the victims, but they have displayed love and heartfelt forgiveness towards the family of the gunman! What may at first appear to be strange is actually the command of our Lord to forgive our enemies seventy times seven and without end.

SCOBA Conference Concludes

Friday, October 06, 2006

CHICAGO, IL - The Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas concluded a four-day conference today by issuing an official communiqué reaffirming the statement of 2001 of the need to bear public witness together on matters of spiritual and moral concerns.

Update on SCOBA Conference

Thursday, October 05, 2006

CHICAGO, IL - Several major issues were discussed at length yesterday during the meeting of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA) being held in Chicago. These included: Issues in Coordinating and Establishing New and Mission Parishes, Sexual Misconduct in the Church, Keeping Young People Connected to the Church and the State of the Diaconate. Two papers on the Diaconate, Remembering and Reclaiming Diakonia of Deacon Dr. John Chryssavgis and Toward a Complete Expression of the Diaconate: Discerning the Ministry Women Deacons of Dr. Kyriaki Karidoyannes FitzGerald, presented a thorough insight and understanding of the diaconate in the historical Church and its significance today.

SCOBA Hosts All Canonical Bishops

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

CHICAGO,IL - Twenty-seven canonical hierarchs of the Orthodox Christian Church in the Americas convened in Chicago yesterday under the chairmanship of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios to "solidify the bond of brotherhood that exists among canonical Orthodox Churches in the Americas and provide the opportunity for the hierarchs to review the work of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas ." The Conference, headquartered at the O'Hare Marriott Hotel is the third such SCOBA Conference, the two previous being held in 1994 and 2001.

Ordination of Fr. Gregory Justiniano

Sunday, September 17, 2006

DANBURY, CT - Saturday, September 16 was a day full of preparation as the parish of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church anxiously waited for the arrival of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas. The visit of His Eminence was for the ordination of Deacon Gregory Justiniano to the Holy Priesthood. Born in San German, Puerto Rico, Fr. Deacon Gregory came to the United States with his family over 20 years ago. Not only was the church cleaned but site for the new church, presently under construction, was prepared for the Metropolitan to see the progress of the new church building. The visit began with the arrival of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, Fr. Andrew Bartek and seminarian, Reader Matthew Stagon. Vespers was served at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church with his Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas presiding. The responses were lead by Fr. Peter Paproski, along with Fr. Michael Macura, Fr. Andrew Bartek, Sandi Fong, and Stephen Fong. The Vespers was served by Fr. Luke Mihaly, Deacon Robert Hubiak and Deacon Gregory Justiniano.

Know Your Faith Conference 2006

Friday, September 01, 2006

This year's Educational Conference is open to all who wish to learn more about the Orthodox Faith. It will take place on Saturday, Sept 16, 2006 in the Main Lodge of Camp Nazareth, located at 339 Pew Road in Mercer, Pennsylvania. Camp Nazareth is conveniently located off Exit 2 of I-80 near the Ohio/Pennsylvania border. The conference will begin at 9:00 am and conclude at 4:00 pm.Lunch will be provided by the Camp Nazareth Staff.

Ordination of Fr. Elijah Bremer

Monday, August 28, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - On Monday, August 28th at Christ the Saviour Cathedral, His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas ordained Deacon Elijah Bremer to the Holy Priesthood. The ordination took place during the Divine Liturgy for the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Birth-giver of God, and the responses were sung in Church Slavonic by the Women's Choir of the Church of the Dormition in Jarabina, Slovakia. Attending His Eminence at the altar was: Very Rev. Frank Miloro, Dean and Cathedral Pastor, Very Rev. Hieromonk Matthias, Very Rev. Fr. Dan Donovan (retired, OCA), Rev. Fr. Jeff Zias, Rev. Fr. Michael Ellis, Rev. Fr. Matthew Moriak, and Rev. Fr. Matthew Conjelko. Protodeacon Emil Gulick and Hieromonk Matthias presented Deacon Elijah as a candidate for ordination, and Fr. Deacon Oleg Aminov served as second deacon. Also in attendance were other clergy from the Johnstown Deanery.

Diocesan Youth Sojourn Underway

Saturday, August 26, 2006

MERCER, PA - A historic first in the diocese is presently underway this weekend at Camp Nazareth. Organized and hosted by the Diocesan Apostolate for Youth, the Youth Sojourn Retreat has attracted more than 50 of our diocesan youth from across the diocese. The Diocesan Apostolate for Youth was established by Metropolitan Nicholas to meet the spiritual needs of our diocesan youth, providing guidance to their pastors, parish workers and parents who are entrusted with their care. The mission of the Diocesan Apostolate for youth is to evangelize our youth, and encourage their active participation in the life of the Church.

Summer Pilgrimage 2006

Friday, August 11, 2006

Inaugurating the 100th Anniversary of the transposition of the Carpatho-Rusin Plain Chant into Western Notation by Fr. John Boksaj; the Inauguration of the 50th Anniversary of the Diocesan Altar Boy Retreat Program; and the 20th Anniversary of the Diocesan Deacons' Retreat Program

2006 Diocesan Sobor Concludes

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - The 20th Diocesan Council/Sobor of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese which was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Old Greenwich, CT concluded today, after three days of prayer, education, deliberation and fellowship.

Youth Census & Youth Sojourn Deadlines

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

OLD GREENWICH, CT - His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas at the Tuesday General Sobor session reminded the clergy and delegates present that the Youth Census which was forwarded to all diocesan parishes by the Diocesan Apostolate for Youth has been completed by less than half of the parishes of the diocese. He stressed its absolute importance in effectively ministering to our diocesan youth. With the results of this census, a database with the names, addresses and contact information of all diocesan youth from birth to age 22 will be compiled. All parishes who have not completed it need to do so immediately and forward same to Fr. Andrew Fetchina.

Pani Dolores Hazuda Reposes in the Lord

Friday, June 30, 2006

ERIE, PA - Pani Dolores Hazuda, the wife of the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Ronald Hazuda, fell asleep in the Lord last evening, after suffering a stroke. Pani Dolores, a native of the Johnstown Cathedral was the daughter of the late Professor Andrew Panchisin.

Archpastoral Letter for Pentecost 2006

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Pentecost is not really the birthday of the Church, for the Church began with Creation, the bodiless powers, and Adam. Pentecost is, however, the celebration of something new and radically different, as Peter quoted the Prophet Joel in his homily: And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. For upon My servants and upon my handmaids in those days will I pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy.

St. Sophia Orthodox Christian School Benefit Golf Tournament

Thursday, June 08, 2006

JOHNSTOWN, PA - St. Sophia Orthodox Christian School will host its Second Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on Saturday, July 1, 2006 at Champion Lakes Golf Course in Ligonier PA. All diocesan faithful are asked to support this worthwhile cause. In particular, in addition to participating as a golfer, sponsors for holes, golf carts and refreshments at the cost of $50.00 are also being solicited

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