Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Ordination of Deacon Vincent Dranginis

On Sunday September 16, 2018, Subdeacon Vincent Dranginis was ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa at St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church in New York City.

Posted photos, courtesy of Paul Krzyzanowski, show scenes from the Ordination.

See additional photos of His Grace Bishop Gregory's pastoral visit to St. Nicholas Church here:

Following the Great Entrance, Subdeacon Vincent Dranginis was led by Fr. William and Fr. Peter to His Grace for ordination to the Diaconate.
Subdeacon Vincent draws closer to the Holy Altar.
Subdeacon Vincent bows before Bishop Gregory.
Subdeacon Vincent is presented to Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Diaconate.
Bishop Gregory blessed Subdeacon Vincent to offer a few words prior to his ordination.
Subdeacon Vincent offers a few words of gratitude to Bishop Gregory and the faithful in attendance.
"It is time ..." Subdeacon Vincent is invited into the Sanctuary by Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Diaconate.
Subdeacon Vincent is lead around the altar by Fr. William.
Subdeacon Vincent reverences the altar table.
The Laying on of Hands.
"the Grace Divine which fills that which is imperfect, ordains the Subdeacon to the Holy Diaconate.
The Laying on of Hands.
AXIOS! Bishop Gregory presents Deacon Vincent with the diaconal sticharion.
Bishop Gregory vests Deacon Vincent in the diaconal sticharion.
AXIOS! Bishop Gregory presents Deacon Vincent with the diaconal cuffs.
Bishop Gregory vests Deacon Vincent in the diaconal cuffs.
AXIOS! Bishop Gregory presents Deacon Vincent with the orarion.
Bishop Gregory vests Deacon Vincent in the orarion.
Deacon Vincent offers his first Litany as Deacon.
Bishop Gregory with co-celebrating clergy.
Bishop Gregory with co-celebrating clergy.
Bishop Gregory with Deacon Vincent.
Bishop Gregory with newly ordained Deacon Vincent and his wife Christyn.
Bishop Gregory with members of Deacon Vincent's family.
Bishop Gregory with members of Deacon Vincent's family
Newly Ordained Deacon Vincent with his wife Kristin.