Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Mission Trip to Toronto (7/12/18)

From July 9- July 11th members of the National JR ACRY traveled to St. John The Compassionate Mission in Toronto to take part in the Community Life.

While at the mission, the team assisted with the various outreach projects of the community and other maintenance and improvement tasks that were assigned to them.

Posted Photos Show Scenes From The Visit.
Arriving at the border
Breakfast Day 1
Cleaning up after breakfast
Preparations for some painting
First coat
second coat
St. John's Thrift Store
Satellite location for The Mission in Scarborough
Chapel at Scarborough location
Fr. Dn Pawel talks about the work at the Scarborough location
Kitchen at the Scarborough location
Time for some Poutine...
Some looking around
Some really good ice cream
Unloading and moving boxes up to the second floor of The Mission
Unloading and moving boxes up to the second floor of The Mission
Cleaning up Day 2
Cleaning up Day 2
Cleaning up Day 2
Cleaning up Day 2
Food delivery
Taking food supplies to the pantry
Fr. Dn Paul speaks about the life of those who come to The Mission
Jr. ACRY President Juliana and Corresponding Secretary Bianca present the check from the donations collected during the Lenten Youth Project to Fr. Dn Paul
Some of the volunteer and workers of the Mission
A little down time
Stopping by to see The Falls on the way home.