Manville and Rahway NJ Parishes Severely Affected By Hurricane Irene
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The Diocesan Chancellor, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro in behalf of the Diocesan Consistory, with the Blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Locum Tenens, issued the following update and appeal for assistance for the Parish communities of Manville and Rahway, NJ:
Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers and Faithful:
None of us need to be reminded of the devastation that Hurricane Irene brought as the storm moved up the east coast last weekend. Thank God we have received no reports of the loss of life in any of our churches. However, although numerous churches received minor damage in some form, the Chancery has been receiving daily reports about significant damage suffered by two New Jersey Deanery parishes, namely St. John's in Rahway and Holy Ghost in Manville.
Father Dean Michael Rosco has submitted a damage report on both parishes, which I ask you to share with your parishioners.
St. John's, Rahway, NJ There was approximately 8 feet of water in the basement of the Rahway rectory, but none in the house itself. The church hall (basement) was totally flooded, with the water nearly reaching the ceiling. Fortunately, the flood waters did not reach the level of the church proper. The back fence of the Rahway property was severely damaged by the river overflowing behind it. Houses and an apartment complex across the street from our church property have been condemned.
Holy Ghost, Manville, NJ Losses in Manville were even greater. About a foot and a half of water reached the lower level of the rectory. The church hall (basement) was filled with water to the ceiling. The water also reached the nave of the church, saturating the carpet.
While both churches have flood insurance, their coverage is basically limited to structural damage, and does not cover the contents of their basements. Items such as boilers, air conditioning units and kitchen equipment will all have to be replaced. Holy Ghost in Manville has no flood insurance on the rectory. The parish was informed that, because their last flood claim was only 3 years ago, the coverage in the church will be less than before.
Clearly, our brothers and sisters are in need of assistance, and we are logically the ones to provide that help!
The Consistory is asking every parish of the Diocese to take up a collection on a Sunday of their choice in September. Checks are payable to ACROD, with the notation line Flood Assistance. We are asking that all donations be sent to the Chancery by October 1 so that we can distribute your charitable gifts to both parishes in a timely manner.
Forever trusting in God's mercy, and with much gratitude for your anticipated generosity, I remain in behalf of the Diocesan Consistory
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro Chancellor