Metropolitan Nicholas to Celebrate Silver Anniversary
May 2, 2008
JOHNSTOWN, PA - On Bright Friday, May 2, 2008, His Eminence, Metropolitan will be honored on the occasion of his Silver Jubilee of Consecration to the Episcopacy at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Johnstown, PA. Joining His Eminence will be hierarchs and dignitaries from throughout the U.S.A. and Europe as well as the priests and faithful of our diocese. The Chancery Staff along with clergy and faithful of the Diocese extend our heartfelt best wishes and congratulations to His Eminence on this milestone in his service as shepherd of our God-Saved Diocese. May Almighty God Grant His Eminence, Good Health, Peace and Salvation and Many More Years of Service in the Vineyard of our Lord. Eis Polla Eti Despota!