Register Now For 2021 Diocesan Lenten Retreat!
Thursday, February 18, 2021
JOHNSTOWN, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] -- Each year, our Diocese, through the stewardship of the National Sr. ACRY, has offered opportunities for our faithful to gather together in Spiritual Retreat, during Great Lent at various regional locations. They have been well received and appreciated by those who participated.
This year, however with the continuing reality of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is not possible for us to offer our Annual Retreat Program as we have in the past. However, we will be able to do so in another format.
On Saturday April 3, 2021, a Diocesan-Wide Lenten Retreat for adults and teenagers will take place using the online Zoom Platform. It will begin at noon and will be 90 minutes in duration. It will include a keynote presentation and a Q & A discussion. Fr. Jonathan Bannon will be the keynote speaker and his presentation is entitled Nepsis-Watchfulness: Being Attentive in a Distracted Age. Our younger children will have the opportunity to participate at another time in an age appropriate retreat in a different venue through the Diocesan Vine and Branches Program on Sunday April 11, 2021. Details on this program will be coming soon.
To make this a more communal event, local parishes with large enough facilities and internet connectivity may wish to consider participating as a group from their parish church or community center, while observing social distancing and masking protocols.
Those parishes who are interested in participating in a hybrid fashion from their parish facilities are kindly asked to contact Fr. Peter Paproski at or 610-933-3336 who will guide them through the process.
Those individuals and parishes as a group wishing to take part are kindly asked to register online at by March 21, 2021. Please don’t delay as space in Zoom will be limited.
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