2015 Altarboy Retreat and Young Women's Encounter Are Underway!
JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- This evening more than 100 of our Diocesan youth arrived safely at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown for the Annual Diocesan Altarboy Retreat, and at Sts Peter and Paul Church in Windber, PA for the Annual Young Women's Encounter. During the next three days, the altar boys and young women of our Diocese will have the opportunity in their own venue to spend time in prayer, learning, fellowship and service.
Taking inspiration from the Scriptural verse, "Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God." - 1 Peter 2:16, the theme of this year's altar boy retreat is “To Serve is to Love…” In addition to interactive discussions on the retreat theme, instruction in Plain Chant Singing, the much awaited afternoon at the Windber Recreational Center pool and Sts Peter and Paul Church Grounds, and Divine Liturgy at Christ the Saviour Cathedral with Bishop Gregory, they will enjoy an outing to Outdoor Odyssey, a leadership academy located in Windber, PA. They will enjoy high and low ropes courses as well as hiking and canoeing.
The Young Women's Retreat is centered on the theme, Love is Faith in Action. The program will highlight how young women can live our Orthodox Faith and serve the Church with their own unique gifts. This year, Dr Gayle Woloshak, a role model in education and Orthodox ministry will be the keynote speaker. Dr. Woloschak is a professor of Radiation Oncology at Northwestern University in Chicago and an adjunct professor of Religion and Science at Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago and at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She also serves on a large number of boards and comissions for the church under several jurisdictions and pan-Orthodox organizations, including IOCC. They will also take a day trip to Seven Springs Mountain Resort, and will take part in Divine Liturgy at Sts. Peter and Paul Church which will be celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
The faithful of the Diocese are invited to follow along the activities of the altar boy and young women on-line. Check out the latest photo galleries on the home page of www.acrod.org.
View Altar Boy Retreat Gallery (Updated Daily)