Registration Opens For 2015 Young Women's Encounter: Love Is Faith In Action
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] - Registration is now open for the Second Annual Diocesan Young Women's Encounter which will take place from Sunday, June 28th to Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 at Sts Peter and Paul Church in Windber, PA .
The encounter, which is open to young women in our Diocese ages 12-18, will provide an opportunity for the young women of our Diocese to spend time in each other’s company, have fun, pray together, and learn about how God calls each woman to serve His church with her talents and abilities.
Centered on the theme, Love is Faith in Action, this engaging experience will highlight how young women can live our Orthodox Faith and serve the Church with their own unique gifts. This year , Dr Gayle Woloshak, a role model in education and Orthodox ministry will be the keynote speaker. Dr. Woloschak is a professor of Radiation Oncology at Northwestern University in Chicago and an adjunct professor of Religion and Science at Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago and at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She also serves on a large number of boards and comissions for the church under several jurisdictions and pan-Orthodox organizations, including IOCC.
Space is limited to the first thirty respondents, so participants are urged to register as soon as possible. Registration Deadline is June 1, 2015.
Please mail completed registration forms to:
19 W. Park Ave.,
Morgantown, WV 26501.
All parishes of the Diocese are urged to underwrite the $100.00 participation fee for their young women in recognition of all the ways that these young women serve their parishes.
Questions about the event may be directed to Pani Eleni Stagon at or by calling 304-296-4319.
Registration Forms and Information
Download Registration Form (PDF Format)
Download Promotional Flier (PDF Format)