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Exaltation of The Cross 2009
The posted photos show scenes from the festal celebration of The Exaltation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross at Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown, PA
Fr. Frank Miloro Blesses The Wheat, Wine and Oil at Litya of Vespers.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have Mercy On Us!
'O Lord, Save Your People and Bless Your Inheritance..."
Lord Have Mercy.... Fr. Frank Elevates the Precious Cross
Fr. Frank Elevates the Cross.
"Master Give the Blessing... The Hierarchical Liturgy Begins.
Metropolitan Nicholas Delivers the Homily.
"Magnify, O My Soul, the Most-Precious Cross of the Lord..."
"Your Cross, We Adore ..."
Cathedral Altarboys Assist with the Distribution of Antidoron.
His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, Blesses the Altar Servers at the Conclusion of Divine Liturgy