Diocesan Photo Gallery

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Ordination to the Diaconate of Seamus Murray & Christ the Saviour Seminary Commencement Exercises (1/18/25)

On Saturday January 18, the Eve of Theophany, Subdeacon Seamus Murray was Ordained to the Holy Diaconate by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory at Christ the Saviour Cathedral.

Concelebrating at the Hierarchical Liturgy with Metropolitan Gregory were Protopresbyter Robert Buczak, Cathedral Dean; Very Reverend Fathers John Brancho, Dr. Edward Pehanich, and Miles Zdinak; and Reverend Fathers Marc Wisnosky and Timothy Paproski.

Following the Divine Liturgy, Christ the Saviour Semimary’s mid-year Commencement exercises were held in the Cathedral. During the commencement ceremony, the degree of Bachelor of Theology was conferred upon the newly-Ordained Deacon Seamus Murray.

After the conclusion of the Commencement exercises, a celebratory luncheon was held at a local restaurant.

May God grant Deacon Seamus, Diakonissa Maria, their children and grandchildren, and all the members of their family many happy and blessed years of service in our Lord’s Vineyard! AXIOS!!!

View Ordination Video Here:

Metropolitan Gregory prays at the Altar during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy
“Especially for our ever-holy, ever-pure, ever-Blessed and glorious Lady, the Birthgiver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary…”
“Command!” Subdeacon Seamus is presented for Ordination to the Holy Diaconate
Protopresbyter Robert Buczak and Fr. Marc Wisnosky present Subdeacon Seamus to His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory for Ordination as his family looks on
Subdeacon Seamus offers words of gratitude and Thanksgiving prior to his Ordination to the Diaconate
Subdeacon Seamus thanks his family, his professors and classmates, and all who have helped him get to this day in his spiritual life
His Eminence offers words of wisdom and encouragement to Subdeacon Seamus as he approaches the Altar for Ordination
Subdeacon Seamus listens intently to His Eminence’s words
“O Holy Martyrs…” Subdeacon Seamus is led around the Holy Table by Protopresbyter Robert Buczak and Fr. Marc Wisnosky
Subdeacon Seamus is guided around the Holy Table by Very Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich and Rev. Fr. Timothy Paproski
“The Divine Grace, which always heals the infirm, and completes that which is lacking, Ordains the Subdeacon Seamus to the Holy Diaconate…”
Nicholas holds his father’s vestments and looks on as his father is Ordained to the Holy Diaconate
“For the servant of God, Deacon Seamus, who is now Ordained…” the concelebrating priests lead the Litany as His Eminence prays
“AXIOS!” Deacon Seamus is presented with and vested in the Orarion
“AXIOS!” Deacon Seamus’s wife and one of his grandchildren sing along during the Vesting
“AXIOS!” Deacon Seamus is vested in the Diaconal Cuffs
“AXIOS!!!” Metropolitan Gregory presents the newly-Ordained Deacon to the assembled faithful
Metropolitan Gregory greets his newest Deacon with joy and love
Deacon Seamus offers the Litany of Supplication
“Help us, save us, have mercy on us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace!”
Deacon Seamus receives the Precious Body of our Lord from Metropolitan Gregory
Deacon Seamus solemnly partakes of the Precious Body of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ
Deacon Seamus receives the Precious Blood of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ from Metropolitan Gregory
“Behold: this has touched your lips, and shall take away all your iniquity and cleanse you of all your sin.”
Deacon Seamus calls the Faithful to partake of the Holy Eucharist
Deacon Seamus and his son Nicholas assist Fr. Robert with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist to the faithful
Deacon Seamus cleans the Diskos after Holy Communion
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory guides and instructs his new Deacon
Deacon Seamus with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and concelebrating clergy
The newly-ordained Deacon greets his family
Deacon Seamus with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and the members of his family
Deacon Seamus with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and all the faithful gathered for the Divine Liturgy and Graduation festivities
Deacon Seamus with his wife, Diakonissa Maria, and His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory
Deacon Seamus and his wife, Diakonissa Maria
Deacon Seamus with his ordaining Bishop: His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory opens the Commencement exercises of Christ the Saviour Seminary
His Eminence offers words of welcome, as well as words of congratulation to Deacon Seamus
Father Marc Wisnosky offers remarks at the commencement ceremony
Deacon Seamus stands before His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory as the time for his Commencement arrives
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory confers the degree of Bachelor of Theology on Deacon Seamus Murray as Seminary faculty members look on
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory presents Deacon Seamus with his diploma
“Go show your wife!” Deacon Seamus presents his diploma to his wife and family. Commencement from Seminary is not just an accomplishment for the graduate, but also for their family who make many sacrifices during the period of their study, and who offer themselves and their lives to Christ and His Church alongside their husband, father, and grandfather