Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Fr. Theodore Mozes
On Saturday September 21, 2024 Fr. Theodore Mozes celebrated his 60th Anniversary to the Holy Priesthood and 60th Anniversary of marriage to Pani Marjorie Mozes

Church Treasurer Greg Kneiss welcomes Metropolitan Gregory

Very Rev Protopresbyter Theodore Mozes presents Metropolitan with Cross

His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory at Throne

Beginning of Divine Liturgy

Reader Jeremy Kravcak chants Epistle

Very Rev Fr. Peter Zarynow reads The Holy Gospel

Great Entrance

Very Rev Fr. Michael Chendorain giving communion to Pani Anna Marie Slovesko

Metropolitan Gregory with Pani Marjorie Mozes

His Eminence preaching to the faithful

Fr. Michale Zak, Fr. Theodore Mozes, and Fr. Michale Kleban being elevated to Protopresbyters. AXIOS!

Metropolitan Gregy presents newly elevated Protopresbyter Mozes his new jewel cross

Placing of the cross

Fr. Mozes sheds tears of joy and hugs Metropolitan Gregory

Metropolitan and Clergy


Metropolitan Gregory with Fr and Pani Mozes

Fr and Pani Mozes with daughter Sarah and grandson Jeremy

Mozes and Slovesko family

Fr. Mozes with his longest serving Altar server Tory Gibilisco and Reader Jeremy Kravcak

Metropolitan Gregory with The Newly Elevated Protopresbyters




Head Table

Opening Prayer

Presentation of Flowers to Metropolitain Gregory from Cora great granddaughter of the late Fr. Michale Slovesko great friend of Fr. Mozes

Metropolitain Gregory and Cora

Very Rev Protopresbyter Peter Paproski gives his remarks as Toast Master

Very Rev Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck gives remarks as dean of Mid Atlantic deanery and longtime friend of Fr. Mozes

Remarks from Very Rev Protopresbyter Jim Dutko

Fr. Mozes grandson Reader Jeremy Kravcak gives remarks

Reader Jeremy Kravcak presents Fr. Mozes with two canvas portraits from their first Pascha liturgy in 2007 to their most recent Pacha liturgy 2024 17 years serving together

Tory Gibilisco and Reader Jeremy Kravcak present Fr. Mozes with a canvas portrait of the 3 of them for being his longest serving altar servers

60th Anniversary Planning Commitee present Fr. Mozes The Penn Ave and Randall Ave street signs where he has severed 55 of his 60 years

Very Rev Protopresbyter Theodore Mozes gives his Remarks on his special day

His Eminence Metropolitain Gregory giving his remarks

Clergy table

Congratulations Very Rev Protopresbyter Theodore Mozes on 60 years to The Holy Priesthood and 60 years marriage to Pani Mozes