Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Fr. Robert Rebeck
On Sunday June 16, 2024, His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory made an Archpastoral Visit to The Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox Church in Allentown, PA to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood of Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck.
Co-celebrating the Jubilee Liturgy with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and Fr. Robert were Very Rev. Fr. Theodore Mozes, (a classmate of Fr. Robert's at Christ the Saviour Seminary), Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski and Fr. Robert Teklinsky. They were assisted by Reader Jeremy Kravcak of Sts Peter and Paul Orthodox Church of Levittown, PA.
Plain Chant responses to the Divine Liturgy were led by parish Cantor Helen Dunkle.
A Jubilee Banquet followed at the Palace Center in Allentown. The guests enjoyed a delicious buffet meal, and an engaging speaking program, which included civic leaders, seminary classmates, clergy, parishioners and family members who each offered their perspectives on the exemplary pastoral service of Fr. Robert for six decades.
The keynote address was offered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory, and the toastmaster for the event was Fr. Peter Paproski.
Posted photos show scenes from the beautiful day of celebration of Fr. Robert's Sixty Year Priesthood.
Co-celebrating the Jubilee Liturgy with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and Fr. Robert were Very Rev. Fr. Theodore Mozes, (a classmate of Fr. Robert's at Christ the Saviour Seminary), Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski and Fr. Robert Teklinsky. They were assisted by Reader Jeremy Kravcak of Sts Peter and Paul Orthodox Church of Levittown, PA.
Plain Chant responses to the Divine Liturgy were led by parish Cantor Helen Dunkle.
A Jubilee Banquet followed at the Palace Center in Allentown. The guests enjoyed a delicious buffet meal, and an engaging speaking program, which included civic leaders, seminary classmates, clergy, parishioners and family members who each offered their perspectives on the exemplary pastoral service of Fr. Robert for six decades.
The keynote address was offered by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory, and the toastmaster for the event was Fr. Peter Paproski.
Posted photos show scenes from the beautiful day of celebration of Fr. Robert's Sixty Year Priesthood.

Parish Council President RIchard Rinkovsy welcomes Metropolitan Gregory to the Parish with the traditional gifts of Bread and Salt.

Fr. Robert and co-celebrating priests greeting Metropolitan Gregory.

The clergy entering the Church after greeting Metrropolitan Gregory upon his arrival to the Church.

Fr. Robert receives the blessing from His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory to commence the Divine Liturgy.

The Small Entrance.

Metropolitan Gregory censing during the Cherubic Hymn

Fr. Robert receives the Body of Christ from the hands of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory.

Fr. Robert standing at the altar with classmate, Fr. Theodore Mozes.

Metropolitan Gregory with co-celebrating clergy: Fr. Robert Rebeck, Fr Theodore Mozes, Fr. Peter Paproski and Fr. Robert Teklinsky.

Fr. Robert with His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory and the members of his family.

Metropolitan Gregory with co-celebrating clergy and faithful who participated in the Jubilee Liturgy.

Mettropolitan Gregory with parish children who presented him with a bouquet of roses.

Metropolitan Gregory and Fr. Robert enjoying a lighter moment during the Anniversary Program.

Fr. Robert Rebeck offered an Icon to Parishioner Edward Walson, a Broadway and Movie Producer for his kindness to him personally and his generosity to the parish over the years.

Metropolitan Gregory offers keynote address at the Anniversary Banquet.

Metropolitan Gregory offering the keynote address.

"Well done good and faithful servant!"

Fr. Robert offering words of gratitude to Almighty God, his family and the parishes he has served for the past sixty years for their love and support.

No anniversary party is complete without cake!

AXIOS!!! Metropolitan Gregory proclaims Fr. Robert as being AXIOS or WORTHY of the Office of the Holy Priesthood which he has faithfully imaged forth for the past sixty years.