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Holy Week and Pascha Throughout the Diocese 2024
Scenes from the 2024 Holy Week and Paschal Services and Events throughout the Diocese.

Palm Sunday Procession and newly churched baby Jerimiah K. (St Silouan the Athonite Mission, Toronto, ON)

Great and Holy Friday Procession and Burial. Also newly churched baby Seraphim L. (St Silouan the Athonite Mission, Toronto, ON)

Newly illumined Esther and Elizabeth join the Church for the great and holy Pascha. Children and congregation of the parish during the procession. (St Silouan the Athonite Mission, Toronto, ON)

Irina lights the candle for the 2nd gospel during the Twelve Gospels service late on Holy Thursday night. (St John the Compassionate Mission, Toronto, Canada)

Girls scatter rose petals on the Shroud on Holy Friday evening during the procession at a joyful Jerusalem matins. (St John the Compassionate Mission, Toronto, Canada)

A group photo of those who took part in the Agape vespers on the afternoon of Pascha. This year the gospel was read in 17 languages, including a number of non-European languages. (St John the Compassionate Mission, Toronto, Canada)

During the Unction Service on Great & Holy Wednesday, Father Sam anoints Lucia “for the healing of soul and body”. (St Michael Church, Niles, IL)

Following the Reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels, the chanters and those who held candles during the Gospel , along with those who will stay to decorate the tomb, pose for a photo with Father Sam and Fr. Deacon Peter. (St Michael Church, Niles, IL)

Many faithful brought Paschal Food Baskets to be blessed following the Resurrection Divine Liturgy. God gave a beautiful weather day to proclaim CHRIST IS RISEN!

Altar servers kneel and hold candles during the Presanctified Liturgy of Holy Wednesday. (Holy Transfiguration Church, Crawfordsville, IN)

The women of the parish wash each other’s feet on Holy Thursday. (Holy Transfiguration Church, Crawfordsville, IN)

Miller launched rose petals into the air at the Vanquishing of Hell service on Holy Saturday morning. (Holy Transfiguration Church, Crawfordsville, IN)

Light of Christ - Resurrection Matins (Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Schererville, IN)
Light of Christ - Resurrection Matins
Light of Christ - Resurrection Matins

Light of Christ - Resurrection Matins (Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Schererville, IN)

Great Entrance on Pascha Sunday (Descent of the Holy Spirit Church, Schererville, IN)

Lazarus Sat Teaching Liturgy. The faithful eagerly view the liturgical setup of the teaching altar as Fr. Demetri Glimidakis instructs and answers questions regarding the divine liturgy. (St Nectarios Church, Lakeland, FL)

Subdeacon Dylan carries a processional fan (hexapterygon) leading the altar servers out before Fr. Demetri Glimidakis brings out the gifts for the Palm Sunday Liturgy. (St Nectarios Church, Lakeland, FL)

Altar server, Andrew Ritch, slowly and silently censes before Fr. Demetri Glimidakis while he carries the presanctified gifts. (St Nectarios Church, Lakeland, FL)

Holy Friday (Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown, PA)

Resurrection Matins (Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown, PA)

Paschal Divine Liturgy (Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown, PA)

Resurrection Matins (Sts Peter and Paul Church, WIndber, PA)

The Empty Tomb (Sts Peter and Paul Church, WIndber, PA)

Cinco de Pascha, Pinata fun at the Paschal Fellowship. (Sts Peter and Paul Church, WIndber, PA)

Paschal Divine Liturgy (St Mary's Protection Church, Allentown, PA)

"Receive the Body of Christ" (St Mary's Protection Church, Allentown, PA)

Blessing of Paschal Foods (St Mary's Protection Church, Allentown, PA)

The Lord's Tomb (Sts Peter and Paul Church, Levittown, PA)

Fr. Peter Paproski with four men who were received into Orthodoxy via Baptism and/or Chrismation prior to Divine Liturgy on Lazarus Saturday. (Holy Ghost Church, Phoenixville PA)

The reading of the Paschal Gospel in English, Slavonic and Greek by Deacon Timothy Paproski, Fr. Kirill Zawatski and Fr. Peter Paproski (Holy Ghost Church, Phoenixville, PA)

Easter Sunday/ Fr. Jeff chants the Easter Gospel, with Reader Jonah Zias at his right, and Reader John Mogish at his left. Altar boys Kyril Reinard and Landon Bracey hold candles in front. (St Michael Church, St. Clair, PA)

Easter Sunday/ Children approach the Chalice first to receive Communion.(St Michael Church, St. Clair, PA)

Olga Spontak patiently waits to have her Easter food blessed (St Michael Church, St. Clair, PA)

Holy Friday (Holy Trinity Church, Danbury)

Resurrection Matins Gospel Reading (Holy Trinity Church, Danbury)

Paschal Divine Liturgy (Holy Trinity Church, Danbury)

Holy Unction Service prayer with the Gospel Book held by Fr. Kenneth Ellis. (Holy Ghost Church, Manville, NJ)

Holy Thursday Divine Liturgy with the reading of the Gospel by Fr. Kenneth Ellis, along with Fr. Andrew Wythe, Deanery Supply Priest, assisting, Subdeacon Daniel Korba from St. Paul the Apostle in Freehold serving, and parishioner Robert Prusek holding the triple candle.(Holy Ghost Church, Manville, NJ)

Saturday Resurrection Matins. Fr. Kenneth Ellis and Fr. Andrew Wythe, Deanery Supply Priest, beginning the service at the Tomb. (Holy Ghost Church, Manville, NJ)

Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy, the closing rites of the Baptism of Catechumen Donovan Richard. (St Nicholas Church, NYC)

Holy Week Presanctified Liturgy, the bringing out of the light of Christ by Fr. William. (St Nicholas Church, NYC)

Pascha Sunday Divine Liturgy, the Blessing of Baskets at the end for the faithful present. (St Nicholas Church, NYC)

Procession with the Burial Shroud during the Matins of Holy Saturday. (Sts Peter and Paul Church, Rockaway, NJ)

The children explain the Anastasis Icon on Pascha Sunday. (Sts Peter nd Paul CHurch, Rockaway, NJ)

The Gospel Reading on the Feast of Pascha. (Sts Peter and Paul Church, Rockaway, NJ)

Altar Servers selecting Pussy Willows for the Palm Sunday Liturgy. (Saint John the Baptist- Rahway NJ)

Sandra Gray and Joann & Jessica Rojeck prepare the Tomb on Holy Friday (Saint John the Baptist- Rahway NJ)

Faithful gather in the pre-dawn hours to hear the Gospel and sing out "Christos Voskrese!" (Saint John the Baptist- Rahway NJ)

Vespers of Holy Friday with Fr Robert Teklinski (St John the Baptist Church East Pittsburgh, PA)

Fr Robert Teklinski blessing baskets (St John the Baptist Church East Pittsburgh, PA)

Fr Robert Teklinski with the children of the parish . (St John the Baptist Church East Pittsburgh, PA)

6 girls and 1 boy processing into Holy Friday service singing.. (St Nicholas Church, Homestead PA)

Watching while Father Michael blesses baskets with food following Resurrection Matin's Saturday evening (St Nicholas Church, Homestead PA )

Chris is Risen! (St Nicholas Church, Homestead PA )

Holy Friday (St Michael Church, Rankin, PA)

Reading of Paschal Liturgy Gospel. Holy Friday (St Michael Church, Rankin, PA)

Blessing of Baskets. Holy Friday (St Michael Church, Rankin, PA)

Holy Tuesday Presanctified Liturgy. Fr. Jeff Zias prays and blesses St. Michael’s new plaschanitsa, purchased in memory of the late Very Rev. Protopresbyter Lawrence Barriger.(St Michael Church, Freeland, PA)

Holy Friday, New plaschanitsa in tomb for veneration. (St Michael Church, Freeland, PA)

Holy Saturday Resurrection Matins and Paschal Liturgy/ Fr. Jeff Zias, and son, Reader Jonah Zias, ready to burst through St. Michael’s doors singing Christ is Risen! (St Michael Church, Freeland, PA)

Palm Sunday Great Entrance (St George Church, Taylor, PA)

Venerating the Cross at the Paschal Divine Liturgy (St George Church, Taylor, PA)

Easter egg hunt (St George Church, Taylor, PA)

A Special Joy was the Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy Procession by Church School students with Pussy Willows (St Michael Church, Binghamton, NY)

“ Baba" Vickie Bennett makes a special Holy Saturday memory for five-year old grandson Dakota by volunteering as Guards at the Tomb on the Lord (St Michael Church, Binghamton, NY)

Four Young children ponder the mystery of the Paschal Gospel following the Resurrection Matins procession around the parish (St Michael Church, Binghamton, NY)

Three new people were Chrismated to the Orthodox Faith on Holy Saturday. Directly surrounding Fr. Nathaniel from the left: Michelle McStine, Scott Stevens, & Thomas Evanoika. Each are flanked by their sponsor to the Faith. (St. Mary's Orthodox Church, Endicott, NY)

Pascha. (St Mary Church, Painted Post, NY)

Pascha. (St Mary Church, Painted Post, NY)

Holy Friday (St. Nicholas Church, Barton, OH)

Paschal Divine Liturgy ( St. Nicholas Church, Barton, OH)

Blessing of Paschal Foods (St. Nicholas Church, Barton, OH)

Prayer at the Tomb on Good Friday after procession (St. Nicholas Church, Monongahela, PA)

Church members with their pascha baskets for blessing. (St. Nicholas Church, Monongahela, PA)

The young ladies of the Parish, representing the myrrh-bearers who anointed the body of Christ, standing by the tomb on Good Friday dressed in white, like the Angel at the Tomb of Christ whose radiance was like lightning and whose raiment was white as snow (Nativity of Our Lord, Manassas, VA)

“Come, receive light from the Light Eternal, and glorify Christ Who is risen from the dead!” (Nativity of Our Lord, Manassas, VA)

“Your Resurrection, O Christ our Savior, the angels sing in heaven. Make us on earth also worthy with a pure heart to praise and glorify You!” (Nativity of Our Lord, Manassas, VA)

Procession with the Holy Shroud on Great Friday. Faithful follow the shroud in imitation of the women who followed Joseph and Nicodemus as they went to bury the Body of Jesus. (Holy Resurrection Church, Potomac, MD)

Fr John Fedornock blessed the faithful with a Relic of the True Cross on Great Friday. The relic was a gift to him from the Patriarch of Jerusalem when he was there on pilgrimage (Holy Resurrection Church, Potomac, MD)

Though the weather was soggy, the joy inside the parish hall was bright as the faithful prepared for the Blessing of their Paschal Baskets following the Divine Liturgy. Christ is Risen! (Holy Resurrection Church, Potomac, MD)

Venerating the Tomb of Our Lord (St Nicholas Church, Erie, PA)

Fr. Nicholas Mihaly proclaims the Gospel at Resurrection Matins (St Nicholas Church, Erie, PA)

Paschal Divine Liturgy (St Nicholas Church, Erie, PA)

The Tomb of Christ on Holy Friday (St John The Baptist Church, Hermitage, PA)

The Procession at the Start of Resurrection Matins (St John The Baptist Church, Hermitage, PA)

The Blessing of Paschal Food Baskets (St John The Baptist Church, Hermitage, PA)

Fr. Mark Lowery proclaims the Holy Gospel during Holy Friday Vespers. (Holy Cross Mission, Columbus, OH)

Holy Friday. The Faithful stand for the evening entrance as Fr. Deacon Ed Brisbine stands before the entrance to the sanctuary (Holy Cross Mission, Columbus, OH)

Palm Sunday - Blessing of Pussywillows (St. Nicholas Church, Monongahela, PA)

Parishioners and guests follow in procession during Matins of Holy Pascha. (Holy Cross Mission, Columbus, OH)

Resurrection Matins (St John The Baptist Church Nesquehoning, PA)

Paschal Divine Liturgy (St John The Baptist Church Nesquehoning, PA)

Blessing of Paschal Foods (St John The Baptist Church Nesquehoning, PA)