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Archpastoral Visit To Phoenixville (April 19-21, 2024)
On the weekend of April 19-21, 2024, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory made an Archpastoral Visit to Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Phoenixville.
The weekend's events began with the celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. Arriving after the service, His Eminence, spent the evening meeting informally with the parish's young adults, catechumens and several individuals of other faith traditions who have been attending Divine services and expressed a keen interest in learning more about the Orthodox Faith.
Saturday Evening, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory presided over the celebration of Great Vespers, which was sung by the visiting St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir, under the direction of Seminarian Timothy Paproski. Co-celebrating with Fr. Peter Paproski, the host pastor were Very Rev. Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Fr. Milorad Orlic, pastor of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Elkin's Park, PA, an adjunct lecturer of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon's. Following Vespers, Metropolitan Gregory blessed the parish's refurbished Shrine of the Healing Saints, and enshrined the relics of newly acquired relics of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, The Three Holy Hierarchs and Carpatho-Rusyn Ascetics, Moses the Ethiopian and Ephrem of New Torzhok.
Sunday morning, under bright and sunny skies, the faithful gathered for Liturgy, where they were able to take part in a historical first for the parish: four ordinations to the minor and major orders of the Church. Two young men, John Peter Schoucair and Jeremy Kravcak were tonsured as Readers and third year Diocesan Seminarian Timothy Paproski was ordained to the Orders of Subdeacon and Deacon. The Divine Liturgy and ordinations were again sung beautifully by St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir.
In addition the parish's three newest acolytes, Nicholas, Nolan and Alex were given a special blessing by Metropolitan Gregory.
A celebratory luncheon followed in the Parish Social Center where a delicious array of Lenten food was awaiting the guests.
During the short luncheon program, presentations were made to Readers John Peter and Jeremy. Fr. Peter Paproski, on behalf of the parish, presented Deacon Timothy with a sick call visitation gift for his use as a Deacon and later as Priest .
This spiritually uplifting and grace-filled weekend will not soon be forgotten by the Parish faithful and guests who took part in it.
Posted photos showing scenes of the weekend's events are courtesy of Manny Ghebremichael and Kevin Coffman.
1. The Tonsure of Readers John Peter Schoucair and Jeremy Kravcak:
2. Ordination of Timothy Paproski to Subdeacon and Deacon:
View Video of Ordinations to Reader:
View Ordination to the Diaconate of Timothy Paproski
The weekend's events began with the celebration of the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. Arriving after the service, His Eminence, spent the evening meeting informally with the parish's young adults, catechumens and several individuals of other faith traditions who have been attending Divine services and expressed a keen interest in learning more about the Orthodox Faith.
Saturday Evening, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory presided over the celebration of Great Vespers, which was sung by the visiting St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir, under the direction of Seminarian Timothy Paproski. Co-celebrating with Fr. Peter Paproski, the host pastor were Very Rev. Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary and Fr. Milorad Orlic, pastor of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Elkin's Park, PA, an adjunct lecturer of Dogmatic Theology at St. Tikhon's. Following Vespers, Metropolitan Gregory blessed the parish's refurbished Shrine of the Healing Saints, and enshrined the relics of newly acquired relics of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, The Three Holy Hierarchs and Carpatho-Rusyn Ascetics, Moses the Ethiopian and Ephrem of New Torzhok.
Sunday morning, under bright and sunny skies, the faithful gathered for Liturgy, where they were able to take part in a historical first for the parish: four ordinations to the minor and major orders of the Church. Two young men, John Peter Schoucair and Jeremy Kravcak were tonsured as Readers and third year Diocesan Seminarian Timothy Paproski was ordained to the Orders of Subdeacon and Deacon. The Divine Liturgy and ordinations were again sung beautifully by St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir.
In addition the parish's three newest acolytes, Nicholas, Nolan and Alex were given a special blessing by Metropolitan Gregory.
A celebratory luncheon followed in the Parish Social Center where a delicious array of Lenten food was awaiting the guests.
During the short luncheon program, presentations were made to Readers John Peter and Jeremy. Fr. Peter Paproski, on behalf of the parish, presented Deacon Timothy with a sick call visitation gift for his use as a Deacon and later as Priest .
This spiritually uplifting and grace-filled weekend will not soon be forgotten by the Parish faithful and guests who took part in it.
Posted photos showing scenes of the weekend's events are courtesy of Manny Ghebremichael and Kevin Coffman.
1. The Tonsure of Readers John Peter Schoucair and Jeremy Kravcak:
2. Ordination of Timothy Paproski to Subdeacon and Deacon:
View Video of Ordinations to Reader:
View Ordination to the Diaconate of Timothy Paproski

On Friday evening, Metropolitan Gregory met with the parish Catechumens and large number of young adult inquirers who have discovered Orthodoxy at Holy Ghost Parish in the lounge area of the Parish Social Center following Presanctified Liturgy.

Co-celebrating clergy at Vespers - Fr. Milorad Orlic, Fr. Peter Paproski and Fr. John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary

Clergy processing into the Shrine of the Healing Saints with new relics of the Saints.

Metropolitan Gregory blessing the newly refurbished Healing Saints Shrine

Metropolitan Gregory blessing the newly refurbished Healing Saints Shrine

Metropolitan Gregory blessing the newly refurbished Healing Saints Shrine

Fr. Peter Paproski, host pastor greeting His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory with the hand cross before Divine Liturgy.

The Little Entrance

Protopresbyter James Dutko proclaims the Gospel.

Very Rev. Fr. John Parker gave the homily.

Metropolitan Gregory censing during the Cherubic Hymn.

The newly ordained Subdeacon washes the Metropolitan's hands prior to the Great Entrance.

The Great Entrance

The Creed.

Deacon Timothy partakes of the Precious Body of our Lord.

"In the Fear of God and with Faith and Love draw near!"

"Receive the Body of Christ!"

"Receive the Body of Christ!"

"O God save Your people and Bless Your inheritance!"

Metropolitan Gregory blesses the faithful as he enters the Church.

Metropolitan Gregory blessed Holy Ghost Parish's the three newest Acolytes, Nicholas, Nolan and Alex at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy.

Clergy, Seminarians and Faithful in attendance at the Ordination Liturgy

Metropolitan Gregory with Deacon Timothy, Diakonissa Hailey and Elijah

Metropolitan Gregory and Deacon Timothy

Deacon Timothy with his father, Diakonissa Hailey and Elijah

Metropolitan Gregory and Reader John Peter Schoucair

Reader John Peter Schoucair and his parents with Metropolitan Gregory.

Metropolitan Gregory with Reader Jeremy.

Metropolitan Gregory with Reader Jeremy and his Mother Sarah and Grandfather.

Metropolitan Gregory with Reader Jeremy and his Grandfather Fr. Theodore Mozes, and Acolyte Tory.

Metropolitan Gregory blessing the food at the reception following Divine Liturgy.

Fr. John Parker gave an excellent reflection at the Luncheon about the importance of welcoming and integrating catechumens and inquirers into Parish life.