Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
The Ordination to Subdeacon and Deacon of Timothy Paproski
On Sunday April 21, 2024, third year Seminarian Timothy Paproski was ordained to the orders of Subdeacon and Deacon, by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory during the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated at Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Phoenixville, PA.
Posted photos, courtesy of Manny Ghembremichael show scenes from the ordinations.
See Additional Photo Galleries of Archpastoral Visit to Holy Ghost Church
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Ordinations to Reader:
Ordination to the Diaconate of Timothy Paproski
Posted photos, courtesy of Manny Ghembremichael show scenes from the ordinations.
See Additional Photo Galleries of Archpastoral Visit to Holy Ghost Church
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Ordinations to Reader:
Ordination to the Diaconate of Timothy Paproski

Reader Timothy is led by Fr. Peter Paproski and Fr. John Parker for ordination to the Subdiaconate.


Metropolitan Gregory blesses Timothy to vest.

Vesting in the Dalmatic

Vesting with the orarion.

The prayer of ordination.

The prayer of ordination.

"Who is Ever Faithful!"

Placing of the towel on the head of the Subdeacon.

Subdeacon is led to the Icon of Our Saviour to watch and pray until the time of his ordination to the Diaconate.

Praying before the Icon.

Praying before the Icon.

Subdeacon Timothy is led to the Metropolitan for Ordination to the Diaconate.

Subdeacon Timothy reverences the hand of His Eminence.

Subdeacon Timothy offers a brief reflection and expresses gratitude to those encouraged him on the path towards ordination.

Subdeacon Tim's family looks on.

"Are you ready for Ordination Subdeacon Timothy?"

Subdeacon Timothy bows in reverence before the Bishop's Throne.

The Subdeacon is lead around the Altar by his father and Fr. John Parker.

The Subdeacon is lead around the Altar by his father and Fr. John Parker

Reverencing the Altar Table.

The third and final time around the Altar Table.

His Eminence asked that all present kneel.

"The Grace Divine which heals that which is imperfect..."

AXIOS! The Bishop presents the Diaconal Sticharion.

Deacon Timothy is vested in the sticharion.

Deacon Timothy is vested in the diaconal cuffs.

Deacon Timothy is vested in the diaconal cuffs.

Deacon Timothy is vested in the orarion.

Deacon Timothy is presented with the Diaconal service book.


Receiving the Body of Christ for the first time from the Holy Altar.

Receiving the Most Precious Blood of our Lord for the first time at the Holy Altar.