Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

The Ordination To the Holy Priesthood of Deacon Peter Bowers

On October 18, 2020, Deacon Peter Bowers of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church of Ottowa, Ontario, Canada was ordained to the Holy Priesthood through the laying on of hands by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa at Christ The Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown, PA.

Posted photos show scenes from the ordination.

View Video: youtu.be/40HXBevuKMM
Metropolitan Gregory awaits the start of Divine Liturgy on His Episcopal Throne.
The Great Censing.
Little Entrance
Reading the Gospel.
Fr. Peter is led forward for ordination.
Deacon Peter is presented to Metropolitan Gregory for Ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
Deacon Peter offering words of gratitude to His Eminence and members of his family prior to his ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
"Are you ready for ordination?"
Unvesting of the Deacon prior to ordination.
"O Holy Martyrs..."
"O Holy Martyrs...." Deacon Peter is led around the altar by Cathedral Dean, Protopresbyter Robert Buczak.
The Laying-On-Of-Hands by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the sticharion.
Vesting Fr. Peter in the Sticharion.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the epitrachelion.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the cuff.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the priestly zone.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the priestly phelonion.
"Axios..." Fr. Peter is vested in the phelonion.
Fr. Peter takes his place at the Altar Table.
"In the Fear of God and With Faith and Love Draw Near!"
Fr. Peter offering the final blessing.
Fr. Peter offering the final blessing.
Fr. Peter Distributes the Antidoron.
Fr. Peter Bowers With Metropolitan Gregory, Family and Friends.