Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Archpastoral Visit to Homestead with Ordinations (9/13/20)
On Sunday, Sept 13, 2020, His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory made an Archpastoral Visit to St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Homestead, PA. During His Archpastoral visit, His Eminence Tonsured John Fedornock III and Nicholas Ditmore to the the office of Reader and Deacon Mark Wisnosky to the Holy Priesthood.
Posted photos show scenes from the ordinations
Photos Courtesy of Kyra Fisher.
Videos of Tonsures and Ordination:
Posted photos show scenes from the ordinations
Photos Courtesy of Kyra Fisher.
Videos of Tonsures and Ordination:
Metropolitan Gregory is greeted by church president Thomas Pingor, pastor Fr. R. Michael Zak, and Deacon Art Steinstra
John Fedornock III is led to his tonsuring by his cousin, Subdeacon Alex Breno
John Fedornock III is tonsured a Reader by Metropolitan Gregory.
Reader John reads the Epistle for the first time as a tonsured Reader.
Nicholas Ditmore is led to his tonsuring by Deacon Marc Wisnosky.
Nicholas Ditmore is tonsured by Metropolitan Gregory, with his uncle, Fr. David Urban, holding the envelope for his hair.
Nicholas Ditmore is tonsured as Deacon Artemius Steinstra looks on.
Reader Nicholas reads the Epistle for the first time as a tonsured Reader.
"The rank of Reader is the first rank of the priesthood..."
The newly-tonsured Reader John Fedornock III reads the day's epistle reading.
Deacon Marc Wisnosky is led to the altar by Fr. David Mastroberte and Fr. R. Michael Zak.
Deacon Marc makes his first prostration.
Metropolitan Gregory helps Deacon Marc remove his deacon's vestments.
Deacon Marc reverences Metropolitan Gregory's epigonation as he circles the altar.
"The divine grace, which always heals that which is infirm and completes that which is lacking, ordains the most devout Deacon Marc to the office of Priest."
Father Marc is ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Fr. Marc is vested in the sticharion.
Fr. Marc is vested in the cuffs.
Metropolitan Gregory tightly ties Fr. Marc's cuffs.
Fr. Marc is vested in the phelonion.
Axios! Axios! Axios!
Metropolitan Gregory shares a lighter moment with the newly-ordained priest, Fr. Marc.
Metropolitan Gregory sings Axios!
"I believe in One God..."
Fr. Marc gives Holy Communion.
Fr. Marc anoints the faithful for the first time.
Concelebrating clergy: Fr. Deacon Artemius Steinstra, Fr. John Fedornock, Fr. Marc Wisnosky, Metropolitan Gregory, Fr. R. Michael Zak, Fr. Joseph Fester, Fr. David Mastroberte.
Newly-ordained Fr. Marc with Metropolitan Gregory.
Concelebrating clergy and Fr. Marc's family.
The newly-tonsured Reader John Fedornock III with Metropolitan Gregory.
The newly-tonsured Reader Nicholas Ditmore with Metropolitan Gregory.