Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Fall Youth Encounter (11/12/17)
On the weekend of November 10-12, 2017 youth from throughout the Diocese traveled to Camp Nazareth for the Annual Fall Youth Encounter sponsored by the National Junior ACRY.
Posted photos, courtesy of Kristopher Carlise, show scenes from the weekend encounter.
Posted photos, courtesy of Kristopher Carlise, show scenes from the weekend encounter.
Some of the boys playing Yahtzee while waiting for the weekend to begin,
New friends building together.
An intense game of Uno while campers arrive.
Seeing friends from the summer.
Friends reunited during registration on Friday Evening.
His Grace Bishop Gregory greets the Jr. Members.
A few games during Friday Evening.
Fr. Stephen leads a few get to know you games.
His Grace shares what he enjoys during games.
Pani Daria introduces the next game.
Campers share something they like....
and then everyone who likes that as well...
has to get up a switch chairs.
The anticipation of the next game is intense.
Evening Prayers
Evening Prayers
Evening Prayers
Evening Prayers
Evening Prayers
Evening Prayers
Campers gathered at the church for Morning Prayers on this chilly fall morning.
Epistle reader
Some of the boys singing during morning prayers
Father Miles offers a brief reflection before the campers head over to breakfast.
Venerating the Cross.
Venerating the Cross
Venerating the Cross
Father Stephen introduces our special guests from the Natural History Museum.
Campers enjoy the presentation from the Natural History Museum.
Some of the campers got to participate in the program.
Discovering a new dinosaur.
the Natural History Museum brought their brand new Outbound program for the campers to view.
The Natural History Museum also brought some hands on activities...
for the campers to enjoy.
Campers put together a dinosaur.
Being creative with some of the props.
Campers also go to check out some live creatures.
Putting together a dinosaur puzzle...
Father Miles talking with the Jr. members about prayer during Spiritual Talk.
Arts & Crafts
Campers created some gifts for parish shut-ins
Holiday calendars...
for shut-ins from their parishes back home.
Making ornaments with the wood burners
Campers take some time outside for activities.
Camp friends throughout the seasons
Camp friends throughout the seasons
Evening Vespers
Campfire time!
Jordan & Paul lead the campfire sing a long
Enjoying s'mores during the campfire.
"I Can't Hear You!!!" Miss Jr. ACRY Bianca helps lead the singing
Finding Clues during Breakout Rooms!
I found a clue...
The older breakout room was themed "The 80's"
Young camper working on their clues for the Escape Room
On Saturday evening, the Jr. Members participated in Breakout Rooms.
Only the right combination of clues will open things up...
Older campers working through the clues...
Finding the right combination of clues...
Younger campers working on their last lock.
Coming down to the wire.
The older campers did not get their box open in time and were lost in the 80's.
Miss Jr. ACRY, Bianca comes forward for the blessing to read the Epistle reading for the Divine Liturgy.
Miss Jr. ACRY, Bianca reads the Epistle reading for the Divine Liturgy.
His grace, Bishop Gregory shares some thoughts during the homily during Divine Liturgy.
The Great Entrance
"Let us lift up our hearts!"
2017 Jr ACRY Encounter Participants.