Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2017 National Junior and Senior ACRY Convention.
On the weekend of Sept 1-4, 2017, the Annual Junior and Senior ACRY Convention took place at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott in Pittsburgh, PA.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend event.
Photos courtesy of Mark Sudik.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend event.
Photos courtesy of Mark Sudik.
Delicious Buffet.
St Nicholas Church Store Kiosk
Dessert buffet.
Parishioners From St. Elizabeth from Atlanta
Binghamton chapter and friends
Enjoying fellowship in the hospitality room
Senior ACRY Board Meeting
Junior ACRY Board Meeting
Saturday Morning Breakfast Buffet
Enjoying Breakfast
Aaron Zak of the Host Chapter welcomed guests to the 73rd National ACRY Convention on Saturday Morning.
Senior and Junior Delegates
Junior ACRY Delegates
Saturday Vespers
Saturday Vespers
Saturday Vespers
Arriving at the Gateway Clipper on Saturday Evening for a dinner cruise.
The Dinner Cruise had a pirate theme.
Aaron and Susan.
These young pirates had a great time on the cruise.
The ACRY pirates with the crew.
Enjoying the dinner cruise.
Evening views of Pittsburgh from the Gateway Clipper
Senior ACRY President Kevin Coffman presents Bishop Gregory with the traditional gifts of bread and salt prior to the start of Divine Liturgy.
"In peace let us pray to the Lord!"
Little Entrance.
Danielle Bartko directing the St. Nicholas Parish Choir.
Singing in the Choir.
National Officers holding candles during the Epistle and Gospel Readings. (Photo Courtesy of Melinda Gustkey)
Clergy approach the altar to receive Holy Communion.
Bishop Gregory Receives The Precious Blood of our Lord.
Fr. John Gido, a priest of 63 years, receiving Holy Communion.
"Receive the Body of Christ."
Bishop Gregory offering the Homily
Bishop Gregory offering the Homily.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory distributres the Antidoron.
Clergy and faithful in attendance at Sunday Liturgy. (Photo Courtesy of Michelle Tomko)
Assembling IOCC Hygiene Kits
Assembling IOCC Hygiene Kits.
Ethnic dance workshop.
Ethnic dance workshop.
Ethnic dance workshop
The Band serenading the people.
Mr and Miss Jr. ACRY
Outgoing Jr. ACRY Officers
2017-2018 Jr. ACRY Officers.
Outgoing Sr. ACRY Officers.
2017-2018 Sr ACRY Officers.