Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Ordination of Subdeacons Paul Tadros and Steven Sitko (4/28/17)

On Friday April 28, 2017, Steven Sitko was ordained to the orders of Reader and Subdeacon and Reader Paul Tadros to the office of Subdeacon at Sts. Cyril and Methodios Church at Camp Nazareth.

Subdeacons Paul and Steven are vocations from St. John The Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Fr. Roberto and Fr. Nicolaie with candidates for ordination to the Sub-deaconate from St. John The Compassionate Mission in Toronto.
Reader Paul Tadros is presented to Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Sub-deaconate.
Vesting in the orarion.
Subdeacon Paul washes Bishop Gregory's hands.
The towel is placed on Subdeacon Paul's head.
Subdeacon Paul is led to the icon of our Lord to stand in prayer and vigilance until the time of the reception of the Eucharist.
Fr. Stephen and Fr. Nicolaie present Steven Sitko to His Grace, Bishop Gregory for Tonsure as Reader.
The Prayer at the Tonsure of a Reader.
Steven reads the Troparion.
The Tonsure.
Tonsure prayer.
A Reading from the Acts of the Holy Apostles.
Vesting of the newly tonsured reader.
Bishop Gregory offers the prayer of ordination to the sub-deaconate
Newly ordained Sub-deacon Steven is vested in the orarion.
"Who is ever faithful!" Subdeacon Steven washes His Grace's hands.
Bishop Gregory offers words of wisdom to the newly ordained subdeacon.
The towel is placed on the head of Subdeacon steven.
Subdeacon Steven is led to the icon of the Mother of God.
Newly ordained subdeacons stand in prayer before the iconostasis.
Subdeacons Paul and Steven.
Subdeacons Paul and Steven wash Bishop Gregory's hands.
Bishop Gregory with Subdeacon Paul.
Bishop Gregory with Subdeacon Steven.
Bishop Gregory with the Tadros Family.
"Let the little children come unto Me..."
Bishop Gregory with newly ordained sub-deacons and co-celebrating priests.