Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Central Region Lenten Retreat (3/25/17)
On Saturday March 25, 2017, The Annual Diocesan Lenten Retreat for the central region of the Diocese took place at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Homestead, PA.
The Adult Retreat Master, Bishop Gregory, spoke on the topic "Tools For Keeping The Temple In Good Order" and Fr. Matthew Stagon, the youth presenter, led an interactive discussion on the topic "The Annunciation: Just Say Yes to God. "
Posted photos, courtesy of Kira P Fischer, show scenes from the Retreat.
The Adult Retreat Master, Bishop Gregory, spoke on the topic "Tools For Keeping The Temple In Good Order" and Fr. Matthew Stagon, the youth presenter, led an interactive discussion on the topic "The Annunciation: Just Say Yes to God. "
Posted photos, courtesy of Kira P Fischer, show scenes from the Retreat.
The retreat participants started the day out with a light breakfast following the All Soul Saturday Liturgy.
Fr Robert Prepelka, Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery was amongst the participants.
Bishop Gregory speaks with some of the youngest members of the group while preparing for a group photo on the front steps of the Church.
Bishop Gregory speaks with some of the youngest members of the group while preparing for a group photo on the front steps of the Church.
Group Photo
Group Photo
Greeting the Bishop
Fr Matthew Stagon meets with the youth in attendance.
The children listen intently to Fr. Matthew.
Enthusiastic participation
Bishop Gregory beginning his talk to the adults in the beautiful Church nave.
Up close and personal.
Bishop Gregory truly enjoyed connecting with the participants.
Bishop Gregory offering some words of wisdom.
The faithful receive His Grace's blessing as they await lunch.
Bishop Gregory surveys the food prior to blessing it.
Bishop Gregory blessing the food.
"Eis Polla Eti Despota!"
Bishop Gregory at the buffet line.
Host Pastor, Fr. Michael Zak.
The children had worked up an appetite!