Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2016 ACRY Bowling Tournament - May 27-30, 2016
The 2016 ACRY Bowling Tournament took place on Memorial Day Weekend in Atlanta, GA. The faithful of St. Elizabeth Church in Woodstock, GA were the hosts of the weekend gathering.
Posted photos Courtesy of Mark Sudik show scenes from the weekend.
Posted photos Courtesy of Mark Sudik show scenes from the weekend.
Diocesan faithful arrive at the Hotel on Friday Evening.
St Elizabeth's welcoming Committee
Members of the Potomac, MD Chapter.
Stratford, CT Delegation
Relaxing on the Hotel Porch.
David and Cheryl
Saturday Morning began at the Brunswick Zone Bowling Alley for the Senior Team and Junior Mixed Doubles events.
Bishop Gregory offers the opening prayer.
Bishop Gregory throws out the first ball!
The Supreme Patron prepares to throw the first ball.
The bowlers were eager to make strikes!
Ready, set go!
Bishop Gregory approaches the alley.
Almost a strike!
This bowler has some fancy moves!
Saturday evening began with a Mock Wedding Skit.
JR ACRY Officers Meeting
St Elizabeth Orthodox Church - the location of the Sunday Morning Hierarchical Liturgy.
Bishop Gregory at the Proskomedia.
The Cantors with the National Sr ACRY Spiritual Advisor
Fr. Matthew Dutko proclaims the Gospel
ACRY Members and faithful in attendance at Divine Liturgy.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory shows the new Antimension he was presenting to St. Elizabeth Church.
The Cherubic Hymn.
"Let us lift up our hearts!"
Host Pastor, Fr. Matthew Dutko offers words of welcome at the end of Divine Liturgy.
Clergy and faithful in attendance at Divine Liturgy with His Grace, Bishp Gregory.
Close-up Group Photo.
Bishop Gregory with Junior and Sr ACRY Officers.
Bishop Gregory with Junior ACRY officers.
Senior ACRY officers with His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory with National Sr and Jr. ACRY Spiritual Advisors and the Host Pastor.
Bishop Gregory at the Episcopal Throne.
Bishop Gregory enjoys the Brunch which followed Liturgy in the Church Hall.
Fr. Matthew Dutko, the host pastor, offers a few words of welcome.
Senior ACRY President Kevin Coffman offers a few words at the Grand Banquet on Sunday evening.
Bowling Tournament Winners
"The First Family" - Sr ACRY President Kevin Coffman, Amy and Gabriel
Fr. Matthew Dutko with some of the faithful of St. Elizabeth Church.