Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

2016 IOCC Memorial Build Week 1 - Day 5 (6/10/16)

On Friday June 10, 2016, the first week of construction on the Fr. Michael Rosco Memorial Habitat for Humanity Build Project was completed.

Posted photos show the incredible progress on the last day which included installing the exterior wall sheathing and the beginning of the roff trusses..

Read today's blog post here:

View Additional Photos here: www.acrod.org/multimedia/photos/?collection_id=35102136-7...
Prepping to install roof trusses
Prepping to install roof trusses
Full team effort to lift, position, and attach roof trusses.
Nail guns make quick work of the installation
Putting the final touches on the kitchen area
Tired but happy crew at the end of week 1.
Group pic with the Habitat construction staff