Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

The Ordination of Fr. Nicholas Mihaly To The Holy Priesthood (1/10/16)

On Sunday January 10, 2016, Fr. Nicholas Mihaly was ordained to the Holy Priesthood through the Laying-On-Of-Hands of His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa at Christ the Saviour Cathedral.

Posted photos show scenes from the Ordination and celebratory luncheon which followed at Christ The Saviour Educational Center.

Photos Are Courtesy of Nick Bocher

Watch the Video Here: acrod.org/consecration/bishopmultimedia/mm-ordinations
Deacon Nicholas receives the blessing to begin the Great Censing.
The Great Entrance
Deacon Nicholas offers a few word prior to his ordination as Priest.
Bishop Gregory offers words of encouragement to Deacon Nicholas.
Deacon Nicholas approaches the Altar.
Deacon Nicholas is lead by his father to the Altar for ordination.
Deacon Nicholas is led around the Altar table by his Father, Protopreabyter Luke Mihaly and Protopresbyter David Cochran.
Deacon Nicholas is led for the second time around the Altar Table By Protopresbyters Peter Paproski and Robert Buczak.
Deacon Nicholas makes his profession of faith prior to the Laying-On-Of-Hands.
"The Grace Divine which fills that which is imperfect, ordains the pious Deacon Nicholas to the Holy Priesthood..."
The Laying on of Hands.
Deacon Nicholas prays at the Altar.
Axios! Father Nicholas is vested in the Sticharion.
Father Nicholas is vested in the Sticharion.
Axios! - Fr. Nicholas is vested in the Priestly Stole.
Axios! Fr. Nicholas is vested in the Zone.
Axios Fr Nicholas is presented with the Zone.
Vesting in the Priestly Stole.
AXIOS! Fr. Nicholas is presented with the Priestly Cuff.
Fr. Nicholas is vested with the Priestly Cuff.
AXIOS! Fr. Nicholas is presented with the Phelonion.
Bishop Gregory vests Fr. Nicholas in the Phelonion.
AXIOS! Fr. Nicholas is presented with the Liturgicon.
Father and son.
Fr. Nicholas is given the Lamb to to watch over in prayer in the High Place.
Fr. Nicholas with the Lamb.
"The Newly Ordained Priest Nicholas receives the Most-Precious Body of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ!"
The Newly Ordained Priest Nicholas receives the Precious Blood of our Lord.
In The Fear of God and With Faith and Love Draw Near!
Pani Stacey receives Holy Communion from the hands of her newly ordained husband.
"The Child of God Cyril receives the Precious Body and Blood of Our Lord...."
"Receive the Body of Christ"
Bishop Gregory offers the Homily.
The Shepherd speaks to his flock.
Ordination Fr. Mihaly 2016
Bishop Gregory, with newly ordained Priest Nicholas, newly ordained Sub-deacon Nathaniel Choma, co-celebrating priests and Cathedral altar boys.
The Mihaly Family with Bishop Gregory.
Fr. Nicholas, Pani Stacey and Cyril.
Fr. Nicholas with his father, Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly, and Bishop Gregory.
Fr. Nicholas, Pani Stacey and Cyril with Bishop Gregory and the members of the Mihaly Family
The Mihaly and Carlisle Families with the newly ordained Priest Nicholas and His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
The Mihaly and Carlisle Families.
Fr. Nicholas, Pani Stacey and Cyril, with Bishop Gregory.
The newly ordained priest and his BIshop.
Fr. Nicholas with his family and Bishop Gregory at the celebratory dinner at the Cathedral Education Center.
Fr. Nicholas offers a few words of gratitude at the end of the luncheon as Bishop Gregory looks on.