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2015 National ACRY Convention
The 71st National Senior and 32nd National Junior ACRY Convention took place from September 4-7, 2015 in Binghamton, NY.
Posted photos show scenes from the Convention weekend.
Photos Courtesy of Nicholas Bocher and Protopresbyter James Dutko.
Posted photos show scenes from the Convention weekend.
Photos Courtesy of Nicholas Bocher and Protopresbyter James Dutko.
Friendly faces awaited the delegates at the registration booth on Friday afternoon.
Binghamton Welcoming Committee
Hospitality Room
A delicious fellowship meal was provided by the host chapter on Friday night.
Delcious ACRY Cookies
The first order of business was a Minor League Baseball Game - The Binghamton Mets vs The Altoona Curves.
Some of the more than 100 delegates and guests who attended the ball game.
Deacon William prepares to take the pitcher's mound to throw the first pitch.
"Ready, set, go!!!"
Friends enjoying the game together.
Fun at the Stadium.
An incredible fireworks display followed the game.
The delegates enjoyed "First Friday" celebration in down Binghamton. A multi-media light show, projected on downtown buildings was a highlight of the evening.
Saturday Morning Brunch.
National Sr. ACRY President Amy Coffman offers words of welcome.
National Jr. ACRY President Josef Samilenko offers words of welcome.
Senior ACRY Delegates
Saturday's convention sessions included a workshop titled "Walking in the footsteps of Sts Cyril and Methodios". Members of the Junior ACRY Mission Trip Team that visited St John the Compassionate Mission shared their incredible experience assisting the needy of Toronto.
Fr. Miles Zdinak, National Junior ACRY Spiritual Advisor shared his observations regarding the Junior ACRY Trip to Canada, stressing the importance of the team members' willingness to step out of their comfort zone and listen to the life stories of the street people the mission serves.
Some of the younger convention participants enjoying lunch between sessions on Saturday.
Debbie, Maryann and Pete
Gregory Fedorchak, the President of the Cornell University Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) Chapter gave a thought provoking presentation on the importance of connecting our Orthodox College students to the Church while at College.
National Senior ACRY President Amy Coffman presents Tim Paproski and Hailey Meyernick of St. John the Baptist Church in Stratford a charter for their parish's newly re-activated Chapter #76.
Saturday Evening Vespers
The Great Censing at Vespers.
Bishop Gregory chants the Creation Psalm at Vespers
A large group of faithful were in attendance for Vespers.
Bishop Gregory offered a brief reflection at the conclusion of Vespers.
Trivia Night.
A highlight of Saturday evening was a sports trivia contest.
A delicious meal was provided by the members of St. Michael's Parish' talented culinary staff.
Bishop Gregory headed up the Pittsburgh Pirates Table during the Trivia Competion.
National Jr. ACRY President Joe Samilenko enjoys the meal with friends.
Having fun at Trivia Night
Bishop Gregory poses with Greg Fedorchak and his family.