Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

The Ordination to the Diaconate of Nicolae Atitienei (7/24/15)

The Ordination to theSub-Diaconate and Diaconate of Nicolae Atitiene, of St. John the Compasionate Mission/ St Silouan the Athonite Church, Toronto, by His Grace Bishop Gregory of Nyssa.

Friday July 24, 2015 at Sts Cyril and Methodios Church, Camp Nazareth, Mercer, PA.,
Reader Nicolae approaches His Grace, Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Sub-Diaconate
The prayer of ordination.
"Who is ever faithful...." Sub-Deacon Nicolae washes the hands of His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
Sub-Deacon Nicolae prays before the icon of Our Saviour until the time of his ordination to the Holy Diaconate.
"Command!" Fr. Roberto Ubertino and Deacon Pawel Mucha present Subdeacon Nicolae to Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Holy Diaconate.
Subdeacon Nicolae offers words of gratitude prior to his ordination to the Diaconate.
Sub-Deacon Nicolae reverences the epignation of the Bishop.
"O Holy Martyrs..." Subdeacon Nicolae is led around the altar by Fr. Roberto and Deacon Pawel.
"The Grace Divine which fills that which is imperfect..."
Axios! Deacon Nicolae is vested in the Sticharion.
Axios! Deacon Nicolae is presented with the Diaconal Cuffs.
Axios! Deacon Nicolae is vested in the Diaconal Orarion.
Deacon Nicolae intones his first Litany as Deacon.
Deacon Nicolae embraces his son.
Deacon Nicolae embraces his wife.
Deacon Nicolae with His Grace, Bishop Gregory., co-celebrating clergy and his family.
Bishop Gregory and Deacon Nicolae
Bishop Gregory with newly ordained Deacon NIcolae and his family.
The Atitienei Family