Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2015 Youth Mission Trip to Toronto Day 1: Tues July 7, 2015
On Tuesday afternoon, July 7, 2015, a team of 7 Diocesan youth from throughout the Diocese arrived at St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
After a brief orientation by Deacon Pawel, the youth retired for the evening, eager to spend the next three days taking part in the life of the mission and assisting where needed.
After a brief orientation by Deacon Pawel, the youth retired for the evening, eager to spend the next three days taking part in the life of the mission and assisting where needed.

The youth from the east coast began their journey in Stratford, CT

Crossing the border.

The youth were welcomed on their arrival in Canada by Deacon Pawel

The Diocesan were given a brief orientation by Deacon Pawel over dinner.

"O Canada...."