Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Ordination of Deacon David Urban (3/22/15)
On Sunday March 22, 2015, Subdeacon David Urban was ordained to the Holy Diaconate through the Laying-On-Of-Hands of His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa. The ordination took place at Deacon David's home parish of St. Nicholas in Homestead, PA.
Following the Ordination Liturgy, the newly ordained deacon was honored at the 65th Annual ACRY Communion Breakfast in the parish auditorium.
Photos are courtesy of Stephen Fucsko, Jr., Melissa Ditmore & Kira Fischer
Following the Ordination Liturgy, the newly ordained deacon was honored at the 65th Annual ACRY Communion Breakfast in the parish auditorium.
Photos are courtesy of Stephen Fucsko, Jr., Melissa Ditmore & Kira Fischer

Bishop Gregory enters St. Nicholas church to celebrate Divine Liturgy.

Bishop Gregory is greeted with the traditional gifts of bread and salt upon entering the Church by Mr. David Urban, the Father of Deacon David Urban.

Bishop Gregory blesses the faithful as he enters the Church.

The Great Censing.

"Let us lift up our hearts!"

Subdeacon David is led to the altar for ordination.

Deacon David offered a brief reflection on his journey to the Diaconate

Bishop Gregory addresses Subdeacon David.

"It is now time for your ordination!"

Subdeacon David is led around the altar by Deacon Artemius

The Laying-On-Of-Hands by His Grace Bishop Gregory.

In deep prayer.

"The Grace-Divine which fills that which is imperfect ordains the pious Subdeacon David to the Diaconate.

Vesting in the stichar.

Vesting of the new Deacon with the cuffs.

Presentation of the orarion.

Presentation of the Service Book.



"Fr. Deacon, Now its time to get to work!"

Deacon David offers his first petition as Deacon.

"The newly ordained Deacon David receives the Most-Precious Blood of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

"In the fear of God and with faith and love draw near!

"Receive the Body of Christ!"

Co-celebrating clergy.

Clergy with altarservers.

Fr. Deacon David, with wife Alexandra and Fr. Michael Zak.

St Nicholas Parish Family.

St Nicholas Parish Family

Presenting His Grace with a bouquet of flowers.

The parish children are all smiles.

Bishop Gregory with the younger children of the parish.

Deacon David and wife Alexandra Urban, Bishop Gregory, and Fr. Michael and Pani Deborah Zak At Communion Breakfast