Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Ordination of Fr. Matthew Dutko (8/31/14)
On Sunday August 31, 2014, Deacon Matthew Dutko was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa during the 70th National ACRY Convention Liturgy at Holy Ghost Orthodox Church in Phoenixville, PA.
Bishop Gregory commemorates the living and departed during Proskomedia
Deacon Matthew prepares to celebrate his final Liturgy as Deacon.
The great censing.
"Command..... " Deacon Matthew is led to Altar for ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
Deacon Matthew offered a brief reflection on his upcoming ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
Deacon Matthew presents himself for ordination to Bishop Gregory.
Deacon Matthew's uncle, Protopresbyter James Dutko and classmate, Fr. Matthew Stagon led the candidate around the Altar Table.
"Rejoice O Isaiah..."
"O Holy Martyrs.... Fr. Matthew is lead around the Altar by his Uncle, Fr. James Dutko.
"The Grace Divine fills that which is imperfect...."
The Laying On Of Hands.
Fr. Matthew is vested in the priestly cuff.
Fr.Matthew is vested in the priestly sticharion.
Fr. Matthew is vested in the priestly zone.
Fr. Matthew is vested in the Phelonion.
Bishop Gregory congratulates the newly ordained priest.
"Newly ordained Priest Matthew, receive the Body of Christ...."
Fr. Matthew prays over the Holy Gifts.
"In the fear of God and with faith and love come forward..."
"Receive the Body of Christ!"
Receive the Body of Christ!
Bishop Gregory offering the homily.
"We have to encourage our youth to be active Orthodox Christians..."
"When our babies eyes are looking upward and they begin to make cooing noises, they see the saints and the angels who are present with us in Church..."
Bishop Gregory distributing antidoron.
Bishop Gregory and newly ordained priest Matthew.
Bishop Gregory with co-celebrating priests.
Clergy and Altarboys with Bishop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory, newly ordained Priest Matthew and faithful from St. Michael's Parish in Binghamton.
Bishop Gregory with Fr. Matthew and Pani Katherine.
Fr. Matthew with Bishop Gregory and family members.
Fr. Matthew and Pani Katherine with Fr James, Pani Kathy and Rick Dutko.
Father Matthew and Pani Katherine.
Fr Matthew with Pani Katherine and Fr. Miles Zdinak.
Fr. Matthew is presented with a hand cross that belonged to his Grandfather, Protopresbyter Stephen Dutko