Diocesan Photo Gallery
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2014 ACRY Bowling Tournament (May 23-26, 2014) - Elizabeth, NJ
The 2014 Annual Metropolitan Orestes Memorial Bowling Tournament, sponsored by the National ACRY took place on Memorial Day Weekend (May 23, -26) in Elizabeth, NJ.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend of Christian Fellowship and Worship.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend of Christian Fellowship and Worship.
Friday Evening Senior ACRY Board Meeting
Friday Evening Junior ACRY Board Meeting
A gift for His Grace... A custom bowling ball.
Bishop Gregory with Senior ACRY President Amy Coffman and Junior ACRY President Tim Paproski.
Rachel Pribish of the host chapter welcomed bowlers to the alley.
Catching up since the last national event
Reuniting with friends.
Bishop Gregory gets fitted for his new bowling ball at the Pro-Shop
BIshop Gregory receives some bowling tips prior to throwing the first ball.
Bishop Gregory proudly shows the assembled bowlers the custom bowling ball he received from the Junior and Senior ACRY.
Bishop Gregory with his new custom bowling ball
The official Supreme Patron Bowling Ball
The official Supreme Patron Bowling Ball
Bishop Gregory prepares to throw the first ball.
The ball goes down the alley.
His Grace has a little help.
The Phoenixville/Stratford and Potomac Woman's team.
The arcade games are always a hit with the kids.
Bishop Gregory with Host Pastor, Fr. John Pribish and Pani Eleanor.
Three generations of bowlers from the Bilanin Family, (L to R) John Jr, Brian, John Sr. & Andrew
Bishop Gregory takes his turn on the lane.
Saturday afternoon at the alley.
John Bilanin, Sr, at Age 90 was the oldest ACRY bowler in attendance.
Bishop Gregory reads the Creation Psalm at Vespers.
National Jr. Spiritual Advisor Very Rev. Miles Zdinak was the main celebrant of Saturday Evening Vespers.
All enjoyed the delicious meal.
Saturday Dinner
These young men very beautifully led the Plain Chant responses to Sat. Evening Vespers.
2014 National Senior ACRY Officers
Floral presentation by parish youth at the Grand Banquet
2014 National Junior ACRY Officers