Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
Ordination of Deacon Jonathan Bannon to the Holy Priesthood
On Sunday September 1, 2013, Deacon Jonathan Bannon was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa at of St Michael's Orthodox Church of Niles, IL.
Posted Photos, Courtesy of Subdeacon Benjamin Pribish, show scenes from the Ordination Liturgy.
Posted Photos, Courtesy of Subdeacon Benjamin Pribish, show scenes from the Ordination Liturgy.
Fr. Sam Sherry and Fr. David Mastroberte present Deacon Jonathan to His Grace, Bishop Gregory for ordination to the Priesthood.
" Command!"
Deacon Jonathan prostrates before His Grace, Bishop Gregory.
Deacon Jonathan offers a few words of thanks prior to his ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
"Fr. Deacon Jonathan, the time has now come for your ordination."
Deacon Jonathan is lead around the Altar Table.
Deacon Jonathan prepares for ordination.
"The Grace Divine, which fills that which is imperfect..."
The laying on of hands....
Fr. Jonathan is vested in the sticharion.
AXIOS! Fr. Jonathan is presented with the Epitrachilion.
AXIOS! Fr. Jonathan is presented with the priestly cuffs.
AXIOS! Fr. Jonathan is presented with the priestly stole.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory vests Fr. Jonathan.
AXIOS! Fr. Jonathan is vested in the phelonion.
AXIOS! Fr. Jonathan is presented with the priestly service book.
Bishop Gregory congratulates the newly ordained priest.
Fr. Jonathan takes his place at the Altar as the first priest.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory communes the newly ordained Fr. Jonathan.
Fr. Jonathan with Bishop Gregory, Pani Marianna and his mother Nancy.
Fr. Jonathan and members of his family are pictured with BIshop Gregory.
Bishop Gregory with newly ordained Fr. Jonathan and Pani Marianna.
The clergy and altarservers with Bishop Gregory and the newly ordained Deacon Peter and Fr. Jonathan.