Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2013 Diocesan Altarboy Retreat Tuesday July 2
The 2013 Annual Diocesan Altarboy Retreat took place from Sunday June 30- Wednesday July 3 at Christ the Saviour Cathedral and Seminary in Johnstown, PA.
On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, the day began with the celebration of Divine Liturgy at Christ the Saviour Cathedral. Following breakfast the altar boys visited the House of Miracles in Berline, PA on their way to Idlewild Amusement Park.
On Tuesday, July 2, 2013, the day began with the celebration of Divine Liturgy at Christ the Saviour Cathedral. Following breakfast the altar boys visited the House of Miracles in Berline, PA on their way to Idlewild Amusement Park.
Preparing for the Procession.
The altar boys processing from the Seminary to the Cathedral.
Christ the Saviour Cathedral
Philip Breno reads the Epistle.
Fr. Miles proclaims the Gospel.
"Receive the Body of Christ."
Bishop Gregory led an interactive discussion with the altar boys at the conclusion of Divine LIturgy.
"You may very well be the saints of tomorrow!"
"Today we experienced Heaven on Earth in the Liturgy!"
Altarboy Retreat 2013 Participants with His Grace, Bishop Gregory
Fr. David Cochran and Altar Boys From St. John's Church in Bridgeport.
Bishop Gregory with Fr. John Fedornock and grandsons.
Fr. Miles and Son Paul Zdinak
Fr. Peter Paproski with the Altar Boys from St. John's Church in Stratford, CT
On the way to Idlewild
The House of Miracles
Friends enjoying lunch together.
Lunch at the House of Miracles in Berlin, PA
Only the best will do for our Diocesan Altarboys!
Supper at Idlewild park
Ice cream at Idlewild.
The clergy enjoy a game of horseshoes at Idlewild Park
Clergy Rap at the fire pit.