Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2013 Western Regional Lenten Retreat 4/20/13
The Western Regional ACRY Retreat was held on Saturday April 20, 2013 at St Michael's Orthodox Church, Niles, IL.
The afternoon began with a Moleben to the Holy Cross. Clergy in attendance were: Father Samuel Sherry, host pastor; Father Lev Holowaty; Father Alexis Miller; and Father William Conjelko.
Subdeacon Jonathan Bannon gave a very informative talk (What is an Icon? Modern and Ancient Responses), which was highlighted by a slide show presentation.
Confessions were heard by Deanery Clergy and the afternoon concluded with a Lenten Fellowship meal.
The afternoon began with a Moleben to the Holy Cross. Clergy in attendance were: Father Samuel Sherry, host pastor; Father Lev Holowaty; Father Alexis Miller; and Father William Conjelko.
Subdeacon Jonathan Bannon gave a very informative talk (What is an Icon? Modern and Ancient Responses), which was highlighted by a slide show presentation.
Confessions were heard by Deanery Clergy and the afternoon concluded with a Lenten Fellowship meal.
Veneration of the Holy Cross.
The Gospel Reading during the Moleben to the Cross.
Icon Presentation by Sub-deacon Jonathan Bannon.
Participants in the Western Regional Lenten Retreat
Enjoying fellowship.
Lenten meal followed.
This young lady is happy to be in attendance.