Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2012 ACRY Bowling Tournament
The 64th Metropolitan Orestes Memorial Bowling Tournament took place on Memorial Day Weekend in Limerick, PA.
The Junior and Senior members of Phoenixville ACRY Chapter #30 were the hosts of the weekend festivities which included in addition to two days of bowling, opportunities for prayer, fellowship and making new friends.
The posted photos show scenes from the weekend event. Check back for new additions!
The Junior and Senior members of Phoenixville ACRY Chapter #30 were the hosts of the weekend festivities which included in addition to two days of bowling, opportunities for prayer, fellowship and making new friends.
The posted photos show scenes from the weekend event. Check back for new additions!
The members of Holy Ghost Parish ACRY Chapter greet guests on their arrival at the Tournament.
The guests enjoyed the hospitality reception in the hotel lobby.
Senior ACRY Board Meeting.
Junior ACRY Board Meeting
Pete prepares to make a strike!
"Ready, aim....."
Father John can't believe how well he bowled!
National Junior ACRY Spiritual Advisor, the Very Rev. Miles Zdinak prepares to bowl.
Junior ACRY members had a great time.
Rick was a big winner on Saturday Evening at the arcade
Enjoying Guitar Hero
Holy Ghost Orthodox Church of Phoenixville, PA, the host of the Sunday Divine Liturgy
Sonja and Mary Ann.
The Great Censing
The Little Entrance
ACRY Officers hold the candels during Liturgy.
Proclamation of the Gospel.
Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak offered the homily.
The proclamation of the Gospel
"May the Lord God Remember All of You Orthodox Christians In His Kingdom, Always Now and Ever and Forever. Amen."
"Let us lift up our hearts..."
Receive the Body of Christ
Festal Annointing.
"Receive the Body of Christ.."
The Choir
Fr. John Welcomes the Faithful to Holy Ghost Parish
Very Rev. Fr. Michael Macura annoints a soldier who was home on leave.
Joining Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski, National SR ACRY Spiritual Advisor at the Sunda Liturgy from left to right include: Deacon Jim Phifer, Host Pastor, Very Rev. Protopresbyter John Fedornock, Rev. Fr. Michael Chendorain, Very Rev. Fr. Michael Macura, Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak and Subdeacon Ryan Ferko
Concelebrating Clergy and altar servers.
Clergy and Altarservers
The Clergy enjoyed a chance to visit during Sunday brunch at the Holy Ghost Social Hall.
Sunday Brunch
The National Junior and SR ACRY Officers
Former Sr. ACRY Presidents pose with current ACRY President Nick Dzubak
Former ACRY Presidents Pose With Nick Dzubak, the Current ACRY President.
Bowling Tournament Chairman John Bilanin offered greetings at the Sunday Evening Grand Banquet
John Bilanin gives out the awards.
Josef and Tim
Happy Birthday
Fr. John Fedornock Give the Invocation
Enjoying the Dance
The Band
Zach at the Drums
Play it Dan!
Mother and Daughter
Mr. and Miss Junior ACRY