Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2012 Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat
The Annual Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat, sponsored by the National ACRY took place on Saturday March 31, 2012 at the National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA .
Very Rev. Fr. John Brancho led the adults in a discussion of the topic: Overcoming Anger.
Deacon Richard Phifer, the Teen Presenter, discussed the topic Miracles: Real or Imagined.
The Rev. Fr. Peter Zarynow who served as retreat master for children ages 6-11 spoke on the topic: Making Friends in Christ.
The posted photos show scenes from the day-long retreat.
Welcoming committee greets retreat participants upon their arrival.
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski openned the Retreat by leading all in attendance in the Morning Prayer.
Father John makes a point in his presentation about how we often react in an irrational manner when angry.
Fr John Brancho led an interactive discussion on understanding and controlling anger, incorporating bringing the wisdom of the Church Fathers and psychological theory.
The adult participants enjoyed Fr. John's engaging presentation.
Josef writes on the blackboard during an interactive activity in the youth retreat track.
Fr. Peter Zarynow with the members of the youth retreat group.
The teens read gospel accounts of miraculous helaings.
Deacon Jim Phifer makes a point in his presentation to the teens about miracles.
Participants in the 2012 Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat.