Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2011 National ACRY Bowling Tournament
The 2011 National ACRY Bowling Tournament took place from May 27-30, 2011 in Stratford, CT. Posted Photos show scenes from the weekend gathering.
John and Mary Ann Kamenitsky manned the registration table.
Junior ACRY members enjoying each other's company over Friday night Dinner.
Host Chapter Chairperson, Debbie Samilenko takes a break from snapping pictures.
Sr. ACRY Vice President Amy Oblinsky and National Secretary Maryann Hudak
Senior ACRY Board Meeting at the Trumbull Marriott.
Friday evening at St. John's
Junior ACRY Bowlers
ACRY members and guests spent much of Saturday at the bowling lanes.
Hailey and Emily
Friends forever....
Bumper bowlers.
The Saturday evening masquerade party was a real scream for these young men.
Brother and sister
Straford ACRY #23
Pani incognito.
Mother and Daughter
Nice masks!
A rather scary sight.
Winners of best costume and mask at the masquerade party
Christina Aguilera look alike
Tim and Susan bring Sonny and Cher back on stage again!
John Kamenitsky reads the epistle during Divine Liturgy
Peter Samilenkoh holds the triple candle during the Gospel Reading
Clergy and Altarservers at the Sunday Liturgy
Sunday afternoon ACRY members travelled to a local nursing home where they sang the responses to a Moleben to St. Nectarios and visited with the residents.
The three amigos.
Coach and Sue
2010-2011 National Junior and Senior ACRY Officers
A proud bowling award winner.
The hopak
On Monday Morning, a Panachida was prayed at the gravesite of His Eminence, Metropolitan Orestes.