Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2010 ACRY Bowling Tournament
The 2010 Metropolitan Orestes Memorial Bowling Tournament was hosted by Holy Resurrection Church ACRY of Potomac Maryland in Baltimore, MD from May 29-31, 2010.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend's events.
Posted photos show scenes from the weekend's events.
Friday Night Check In the Hospitality Room.
All took advantage of great food and fellowship in the hospitality room on a Fast Free Friday!
ACRY President Nick Dzubak and Sonja Woloczyn confer during the Friday evening Officers Meeting.
Junior ACRY members pause for a photo Friday evening.
Bowling took place on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
Nick Dzubak throws another strike.
The Inner Harbor in Baltimore.
The huge onion domes of the local Ukrainian Catholic Church jut above the shoreline.
A scene from the Acquarium at the Inner Harbor.
These bowlers enjoyed Saturday evening's delicious buffet dinner.
Following Saturday night dinner, all enjoyed playing board games.
Dan Breno announces the winners of the various bowling categories.
Nick takes a time out with his Son.
Fr. Deacon Matthew Stagon begins the censing of the chapel at the beginning of Sunday Morning's Divine Liturgy.
The reading of the Epistle.
Fr. Deacon Matthew Staigon proclaims the Gospel.
Fr. Peter Paproski, the National ACRY Spiritual Advisor and main celebrant of the Sunday Divine Liturgy offers the homily.
Holy, Holy, Holy!
May Christ our true God, Risen from the Dead...
Celebrants and servers of the Sunday Divine LIturgy
Junior and Senior ACRY officers and their spiritual advisors.