Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2010 Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat
The Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat, Sponsored By the National ACRY Took Place in Phoenixville, PA on the Weekend of March 19-20, 2010. Posted Photos Show Scenes From Friday Evening's Presanctified Liturgy at Holy Ghost Church and Saturday's Retreat Sessions at the National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA.
The Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat began on Friday eening, March 19, 2010 with the celebration of The Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts.
The Beautiful Interior of Holy Ghost Orthodox Church
Father John Fedornock, Pastor greets a parishioner at the conclusion of Presanctified Liturgy.
Following Liturgy, these two young ladies added a prayer request to the special Lenten Prayer Tree.
Some Parishioners who were in attendance at the Presanctified Liturgy
The National Christian Conference Center, the site of this year's retreat.
Upon arriving at the National Christian Conference center, they were greeted by Amy Oblinsky at the registration table.
Before the presentations began, the participants watched a video greeting by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas who offered his gratitude to those in attendance and some spiritual food for thought in regards to the necessity of making a good confession during Great and Holy Lent.
Very. Rev. Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly, Dean of the New England Deanery led the adults on a discussion on the topic: The Expulsion of Adam and Eve From Paradise: Insights into the Battle With Sin And the Spiritual Life From the Book of Genesis.
Fr. Luke makes a point during his presentation.
Subdeacon Nicholas Mihaly of Holy Trinity Church in Danbury, CT led the teens in an interactive discussion on the theme: "Music and the Spiritual Life"
The teens listen intently to Subdeacon Nicholas' presentation,.
Protodeacon Gregory Benc of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, led the younger children in discussing the topic : "Let us Forgive All By the Resurrection"
Linda Ferko of Holy Ghost Parish assisted the younger children with their craft project.
Protodeacon Gregory Benc looks on as this young lady works on her project.
These women enjoyed a little time for fellowship
Fr. Luke and Fr. John stop to enjoy a cup of coffee during the morning break.
The porch was a popular spot for the teens on a picture perfect day.
While on break, Alex took some time for spiritual reading.
Retreat participants.