Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2009 National ACRY Convention - Friday Sept 4, 2009
The 65th National Junior and Senior ACRY Convention , hosted by St. Michael's ACRY Chapter # 40, of Binghamton, NY took place during Labor Day Weekend, Sept 4 - 2007 at the Binghamton Holiday Inn. The photos posted below show scenes from Friday Sept 4, 2009.

Some of the ACRY members came early and played a few rounds of golf.

Rick Dutko, co-chairman of the 65th National ACRY Convention greets the officers of the National SR ACRY on their arrival to Binghamton.

Harry and Barbara Coe are pictured selling commemorative Convention Buttons for the benefit of the Scholarship Fund.

These guests enjoyed the delicious food at the hospitality room.

Father John and Pani Marjorie Fedornock share some refreshments with friends at the fellowship reception.

Junior ACRY members, with Christina Dutko are pictured greeting arriving guests.

National Sr. ACRY President Matthew Peifer offers openning remarks at the Friday Evening Officers.

ACRY members enjoyed a minor league baseball game at the Binghamton Mets Stadium

Take me out the ball game

Fr. Michael Zak and Fr. Jim Dutko enjoy the baseball game

The Scoreboard

Fireworks over the Stadium