Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2009 Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat
On Saturday April 4,2009, the Annual Diocesan Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat, sponsored by the National ACRY took place at the National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA. This year more than 75 diocesan faithful and friends were in attendance. A record number of teenagers and youth were in attendance. The posted photos show scenes from the day's events.
The Very Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich addressed the adults on the topic, Understanding Pain and Suffering from an Orthodox Christian Perspective.
Fr. Jeff Zias and faithful from St. Clair, PA listen intently to the presentation.
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski led the teens in attendance in a discussion of "Commending our selves and all of our lives unto Christ our God."
Protodeacon Gregory Benc, led an interactive workshop, for the youngest members of the retreat group on the topic "The Cross, the Tomb and the Resurrection."
Nate proudly displays his craft project.
A young girl intently works on her holy week project.
The Holy week Journey.
The staff of the NCCC provided a delicious lunch.
Sonya and Mary Ann enjoy a lighter moment.
Participants of Retreat 2009