Diocesan Photo Gallery
Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese
2009 ACRY Bowling Tournament
Holy Ghost Orthodox Church of Phoenixville ACRY Chapter 30 Hosted the 61st Annual Metropolitan Orestes Memorial Bowling Tournament, Memorial Day Weekend 2009 (May 22-25, 2009). The posted photos show scenes from the weekend's events.
The weekend Openned with a meeting of the National ACRY Executive Board.
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Peter Paproski, The National Senior ACRY Spiritual Adviser Opens the 61st Annual Bowling Tournament With a Prayer.
Phoenixville, Stratford and East Pittsburgh Bowlers
Mixed Junior's Doubles Bowling
Protodeacon Gregory Benc reads the Gospel Reading for the Feast of Sts Cyril and Methodios, the Patron Saints of the ACRY.
Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak offered the Homily at the Sunday Divine Liturgy,
Receive the Body of Christ...
Very Rev Protopresbyter John Fedornock, Host Pastor is joined By Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak, National Junior ACRY Spiritual Advisor, Very Rev. Fr. Michael Macura of Stratford, CT, Protodeacon Gregory Benc and Altarservers from Holy Ghost Church of Phoenixville, PA at the Sunday Divine Liturgy.
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Mark Leasure Was the Keynote Speaker at the Sunday Evening Grand Banquet.
Junior and Senior ACRY Officers.
All Events winners.
Bumper Bowlers Received Medals
Sarah Tartaglio Accepts Bowling TAwards on Behalf of the New England Deanery Clergy Doubles Team.
Sunday Evening Dance.